Hasselt’s Cycling Revolution: New Bike Path 24/7 Campus Model Promote Sustainable Transportation

Sarhan Basem

Hasselt (Brussels Morning) – Hasselt is enhancing cycling infrastructure, including a new two-way bike path and upgraded service road, with a focus on student accessibility and a 24/7 campus model.

The new plans aim to get more people especially students to ride bikes. It’s seen as more eco-friendly, healthier, and easier on the wallet. The Flemish mobility minister, Lydia Peters, even rode a bike to emphasize this message. They’ve increased funding for cycling infrastructure, from 75 to 400 kilometers of cycle paths annually. The Fun Group provided the facilities, and the minister got the images for the election campaign.

Hasselt’s Cycling Transformation: Innovative Upgrades and Seamless Connectivity

In Hasselt they’re adding a two-way bike path next to Governeur Verwilghensingel towards parking H and through the university campus. Students mentioned the lack of good cycling routes to campus so they’re fixing that last mile issue. The service road will be upgraded a green double-sided cycle path will be added and parking lanes removed. All this for an investment of 300,000 euros! Works start this summer and aim to finish before the new academic year begins.

In Hassel they’re adding extra water pumps in tunnels to prevent flooding issues. Exciting plans include a cycle path through PXL buildings from the future bike bridge. You can cycle upstairs to classrooms or downstairs to Elfde Liniestraat. The courtyard will have a bike shed, electric bike charging point and more. The building will visually connect with the cycle bridge making it both functional and beautiful. These changes start in 2025 and should be done by 2027.

 Pedal Power Progress

After school hours the cycle path through the building will stay open.They’re moving towards a 24/7 campus model like in the US with activities and events even after hours and on weekends. Althouh SyntraPXL evening classes will keep the place buzzing with energy in the evenings.

The plans in Hasselt are getting a boost from European support called Boost2Bike. They’re making sure all roads lead to PXL as director Ben Lambrechts cleverly mentioned. Also there’s a parking building coming up across the street handled by a private developer. They’ll submit the building permit soon. And The cycle path will even go through this new building.

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Sarhan Basem is Brussels Morning's Senior Correspondent to the European Parliament. With a Bachelor's degree in English Literature, Sarhan brings a unique blend of linguistic finesse and analytical prowess to his reporting. Specializing in foreign affairs, human rights, civil liberties, and security issues, he delves deep into the intricacies of global politics to provide insightful commentary and in-depth coverage. Beyond the world of journalism, Sarhan is an avid traveler, exploring new cultures and cuisines, and enjoys unwinding with a good book or indulging in outdoor adventures whenever possible.