Hasselt provides free shuttle and night buses for Pukkelpop 2024

Sarhan Basem
Credit: Jonathan Vervoort

Hasselt (The Brussels Morning Newspaper): Pukkelpop 2024 provides free shuttle and night buses for attendees, ensuring safe, eco-friendly transportation. This service prioritizes convenience for festival-goers especially young people enhancing their overall experience.

For Pukkelpop 2024 the festival is working with De Lijn and the province of Limburg to improve transportation for attendees. This year they are providing free shuttle buses that run often between key locations and the festival grounds making it easier for visitors to get to the event. There will be free night buses to safely take festival-goers home after the event ensuring a safe and convenient option for those staying late. These transportation services are meant to offer a more eco-friendly option than driving cars which helps lessen the festival’s impact on the environment and makes the overall experience better for visitors. By providing these extra transport options Pukkelpop helps handle the large number of attendees and ensures that everyone has a smooth and enjoyable time at the festival.

What transportation options are available for Pukkelpop 2024 in Hasselt?

Frederick Luyten the spokesperson for Pukkelpop mentions that they begin getting questions about public transport options for the festival as early as spring.It has been said that this shows that attendees are very interested and concerned about how they will travel to and from the event. Luyten points out that people from Limburg especially appreciate the night buses which offer a safe and dependable way to get home after the festival. As a result Pukkelpop makes providing these transport services a top priority every year. The aim is to let festival-goers enjoy the event without worrying about how they’ll get there or back so they can have a fun and relaxing experience.The festival cares about the safety and convenience of its attendees.

Limburg deputy for Mobility Bert Lambrechts mentioned that the night buses were mainly introduced for young festival-goers attending Pukkelpop. These young people usually have their parents’ permission to go to the festival but aren’t allowed to stay overnight at the campsite. The night buses were created to make sure these young attendees can get home safely no matter where they are in the province. The night bus program has been successful beyond just helping young festival-goers. Last year the buses helped transport 4,442 people attending Pukkelpop. This service not only benefits the younger attendees but has also drawn in a wider group of party-goers, making the night bus program even more successful overall.

During the festival weekend there will be free buses running from Hasselt Station to the festival in Kiewit from 9 am to 5 pm so people can get there easily without a ticket. After the festival night buses will help everyone get home safely. On August 16 and 17 the buses leave at 2:30 am and on August 18 they leave at 12:30 am. Residents from 37 areas can ride these night buses for free if they show their PKP24 wristband. Music lovers can plan their trips using the De Lin app.

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Sarhan Basem is Brussels Morning's Senior Correspondent to the European Parliament. With a Bachelor's degree in English Literature, Sarhan brings a unique blend of linguistic finesse and analytical prowess to his reporting. Specializing in foreign affairs, human rights, civil liberties, and security issues, he delves deep into the intricacies of global politics to provide insightful commentary and in-depth coverage. Beyond the world of journalism, Sarhan is an avid traveler, exploring new cultures and cuisines, and enjoys unwinding with a good book or indulging in outdoor adventures whenever possible.
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