French MEP Marion Marechal condemns Paris Olympics opening ceremony

Simona Mazzeo
Credit: dailystar

Paris (The Brussels Morning Newspaper) – French MEP from the Reconquista party Marion Marechal slammed the opening ceremony of the Paris Olympics.

What Was Controversial About the Paris Olympics Ceremony?

The commencement ceremony of the Paris Olympics 2024 has wooed a massive controversy over the yawn queen-themed apparent parody of “The Last Supper,” a mural artwork by Renaissance artist Leonardo da Vinci of Jesus and his missionaries. Soon after videotapes of the performance were disseminated on social media, they attracted flak from all quarters.

How Did Marechal Describe the Opening Performance?

Marechal wrote on X: “To all the Christians of the world who are watching the #Paris2024 ceremony and felt insulted by this drag queen parody of the Last Supper, know that it is not France that is speaking but a left-wing minority ready for any provocation.,” ⠀

“Difficult to appreciate the rare successful scenes between the decapitated Marie-Antoinettes, the kissing crowd, drag queens, the humiliation of the Republican Guard forced to dance to Aya Nakamura, the general ugliness of the costumes and choreography. We desperately seek to celebrate the values ​​of sport and the beauty of France amid such crude woke propaganda. the MEP noted, pointing to the “low quality of costumes and choreography.”

What Was the ‘Last Supper’ Parody in the Ceremony?

As part of the opening ceremony of the Olympics, several concerts shed light on France’s history and culture. At the event, a group of around 18 performers pounded poses behind a long table, with the Seine River and Eiffel Tower positioned in the background. 

In the middle, an ornately clothed woman was seen donning a gigantic silver headdress, comparing a halo depicted in Jesus’ paintings. While grinning, the woman made a heart form with her hands as all of them glanced at the camera before breaking away in a choreographed routine.

Later, the participants stormed the podium for an impromptu fashion dramatisation as they swayed along the sidelines. Further counting to this “absurdity,” a massive serving tray showed a scantily dressed man, who was painted charge to toe in sparkling blue.

How Did Netizens Respond to the Drag Queen’s Performance?

“This is crazy. Opening your event by substituting Jesus and the disciples at the Last Supper with men in drag,” a user reported on X sharing the performance clip. “There are 2.4 billion Christians on earth and the Olympics liked to declare loudly to all of them, right out of the gate NOT WELCOME,” they said.

“The 2024 Paris Olympics has proceeded full Woke dystopian,” another noted. “The opening ceremony was filled with transgend*r parody of the Last Supper, the Golden Calf idol, and even the Pale Horse from the Book of Revelation.”

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Simona Mazzeo is a journalist at Brussels Morning News. She is covering European Parliament, European Council, European Commission & Italy News. She is a law graduate and lawyer residing in Agropoli, has carved out a multifaceted career dedicated to justice and social advocacy. She actively serves as a delegated councilor for the Equal Opportunities Committee of the Bar Association of Vallo della Lucania, championing fair and equal representation within the legal system. Recognized for her expertise and empathy, Simona is qualified for registration in the list of Special Curators of minors in civil and criminal matters at the Court of Vallo della Lucania, ensuring the rights and interests of vulnerable children are protected throughout legal proceedings. Beyond her legal practice, Simona demonstrates a strong commitment to social causes. She is a founding member of the Free Lawyer Movement, a non-profit organization dedicated to providing legal assistance to those who cannot afford it. Additionally, she leverages her knowledge and passion for social justice as a non-professional journalist, contributing insightful and informative pieces on relevant legal and societal issues. Through her diverse endeavors, Simona Mazzeo exemplifies dedication to legal excellence, social responsibility, and a fervent belief in equal access to justice for all.
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