Brussels (The Brussels Morning Newspaper) – Resolution on Moldova’s resilience to Russia to be voted on in the European Parliament in October.
The European Parliament will discuss and vote on a resolution on the Republic of Moldova in the first plenary session of the European Parliament in October. The debate and the resolution were entitled “Building the Republic of Moldova’s resilience against Russian interference before the presidential elections”, IPN says, with relation to MEP Siegfried Mureșan.
The official stated that he was one of the initiators and that he insisted, on behalf of the EPP Group, that the debates and the resolution be included as soon as possible in the European Parliament’s schedule.
According to the MEP, the future European path of the Republic of Moldova and the country’s development prospects rely on the vote that will be given by the citizens on October 20, in the presidential election and in the referendum on joining the European Union.
What tactics does Russia use to destabilize Moldova?
In Mureșan’s view, it is clear that Russia persists in its attempts to destabilize Moldova. Russia wants Moldova to evolve again a weak state that is dependent on Moscow. “It will actually try to get involved in controlling the election and the referendum, using unfair means, such as the illicit financing of pro-Russian politicians or manipulation and propaganda. This is what Russia did last year, on the occurrence of the local elections held in Moldova. That is why the European Parliament wants to bring to the authorities and people of Moldova that it stands by them in the efforts to fight the Russian aggression,” noted the MEP.
How significant is Moldova’s candidate status for the EU?
“The Republic of Moldova is a European Union candidate state with which we began accession negotiations this year. Moldova is also a state situated in our immediate neighborhood. In fact, the safety and stability of the European Union also rely on how safe and stable the Republic of Moldova is. That is why we must stand by the Republic of Moldova and ensure that the Russian Federation fails in its endeavour to sabotage the democratic election in the Republic of Moldova. The will of the people said at the ballot box, not the will of Russia, must be found in the final election outcome,” the MEP expressed.
The debate in the plenary session of the European Parliament will take place on Tuesday, October 8, and the resolution will be placed to the vote on October 9 or 10.