Brussels (Brussels Morning Newspaper) – EU’s Common Agricultural Policy gained its historically high support. It is shown by the latest Eurobarometer survey.
Over 70% of the respondents have said that through the CAP, the EU plays its role as a supplier of safe, healthy, and sustainable high-quality food quite effectively. On the other hand, public awareness of the CAP reached an all-time high since 2007.
The survey further indicates that Europeans are highly respectful of farmers; indeed, as many as 92% reply that, for the EU’s future, agriculture and rural areas are important with 52% rating them ‘very important’. Over half (56%) report the amount of financial support offered by the EU to farmers to make their income stabilise at the correct level.
In addition, massive majorities are in agreement with the importance of several issues: a permanent food supply in the EU at all times (94%), reasonable food prices for consumers (92%), sustainable management of natural resources (91%), and reinforcement of the role of the farmer in the food chain (90%).
In his remarks, Agriculture and Food Commissioner Christophe Hansen stated,
“I am delighted that EU citizens are showing unprecedented awareness and support for the Common Agricultural Policy. It has become a real building block of European integration and shows the importance of farmers and agriculture in our society. Our citizens trust our policies to help farmers provide safe food, adopt environmentally friendly practices, and boost employment in rural areas.”.
This is indeed the real European success story in shaping a sustainable future for all.
How does CAP support sustainable agricultural practices?
The Common Agricultural Policy is the foundation of the agricultural framework of the European Union. It ensures support for farmers, food security, and environmentally friendly methods of agriculture for member states. Established in 1962, CAP has witnessed several reformations to cope with the state of changing economic, environmental, and social conditions.
Among other things, the most recent CAP reform, 2023–2027, focuses on sustainability, environmental protection, and greater requirements on farmers, such as greater regulations regarding animal welfare and food safety, in order to be eligible for direct payments. The reform embodies multifunctionality, which, in this case, offsets economic viability and ecological considerations.