EU-wide body condemns attack on Ukraine hospital

Martin Banks
credit: bbc

Belgium (Brussels Morning Newspaper), Russia’s attack on Kyiv this week,including a children’s hospital, has faced fresh stiff condemnation.

A children’s hospital in Kyiv was hit after Russia launched a wave of missile strikes against cities across Ukraine.

Two people died when the Ohmatdyt Children’s Hospital – Ukraine’s biggest paediatrics facility – sustained major damage during the blast.

Thirty-six people were killed and 140 people were injured in the strikes,

The European Cancer Organisation has responded to the “horrific scenes” from the Russian missile strike.

In a statement it said, “Russia’s military targeting of children, hospitals and healthcare facilities is appalling.

“Our hearts go out to all who have been harmed, including the most vulnerable of patients, healthcare professionals, parents and families.

“This attack stiffens our resolve to work with our member societies, patient organisations and others in giving help to cancer patients and professionals in Ukraine now and in the long term.”

ECO says it is monitoring the further developments from this latest attack closely and is “consulting with our partners in Ukraine to better understand emerging needs.”

“We will continue to collaborate closely with the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) through our Emergencies & Crises Network of over 400 organisation representatives worldwide to leverage global support for Ukraine’s health and cancer care systems.”

It went on, “These attacks on health facilities are war crimes, unequivocally. “We call for the necessary procedures to be initiated promptly so that the perpetrators can be brought to justice.”

It added, “In our representations to the new European Parliament and European Commission currently taking office, we will reiterate the united calls from Europe’s cancer community to sustain financial support for Ukraine, including for maintenance and reconstruction of cancer services.

“Humanity must triumph over barbarity and we all must play our part in achieving that.”

Russia has denied targeting the hospital, saying it had been hit by fragments of a Ukrainian air defence missile, while Ukraine said it had found remnants of a Russian cruise missile.

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Martin Banks is an experienced British-born journalist who has been covering the EU beat (and much else besides) in Brussels since 2001. Previously, he had worked for many years in regional journalism in the UK and freelanced for national titles. He has a keen interest in foreign affairs and has closely followed the workings of the European Parliament and MEPs in particular for some years.
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