EC drafts new rules for internal combustion engines

Shiva Singh

Belgium, (Brussels Morning Newspaper) The European Commission has drafted new rules for the sale of cars with internal combustion engines, proposing the introduction of a new category of cars.

The proposal seeks to address Germany’s complaint and allow the sale of new cars with internal combustion engines after 2035 if they run on environmentally friendly fuels, according to Reuters reporting on Tuesday.

The EC proposes to introduce a new category of cars with internal combustion engines that can run only on carbon-neutral fuels, stressing that carmakers would have to make sure other types of fuel could not be used.

The proposal would allow automotive companies to continue selling cars with internal combustion engines after 2035, which Germany is calling for. The bloc previously agreed to phase out the sale of such cars by 2035.

EU member states and MEPs negotiated the proposal for months and agreed on new rules last year, but Germany lodged a complaint earlier this month, days before the final vote on the proposal.

The German Ministry of Digital Affairs and Transport stressed that new EU rules should allow the sale of new vehicles after 2035 if they run on environmentally friendly fuels, noting that it is in contact with the EC and German automotive companies.

A ministry spokesperson pointed out “we are interested in a quick clarification, but it must be resilient and binding… we are currently examining this carefully.”

Carmakers not happy

According to sources familiar with the proposal, German automotive companies are not happy with the EC’s proposal because they would have to develop new engines that could tell environmentally friendly fuels from fossil fuels.

Sources added that German Minister of Digital Affairs and Transport Volker Wissing wants to amend the EC’s proposal rather than reject it outright and concluded that the two sides want to reach an agreement before the EU summit later this week.

An EC spokesperson declined to comment on the proposal, but confirmed that “talks are ongoing between the Commission and German authorities.”

Frans Timmermans, European Commissioner for Climate, stressed last week that new rules must be in line with the 2035 phaseout that bloc members agreed on last year.

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