Does Quitting Smoking Make You Tired? (Right Way to Quit)

Sarhan Basem

Brussels (Brussels Morning Newspaper) – Smoking harms your energy level and immune system in many ways. When you quit smoking it can lead to withdrawal symptoms. Moreover, it can make you feel tired and weak. There is no doubt that a smoker will have a lower lung capacity as compared to a non-smoker. When less oxygen is supplied to the lungs it can affect your brain’s health.

 In extreme cases, it can lead to fatigue and disrupted respiratory function. One of the reasons why smokers feel tired is that their body doesn’t receive the right amount of oxygen. Cigarette smoking is fatal for the health of your lungs as well. It contains various toxic elements that include tar and nicotine.

How Can Smoking Make You Tired?

Tobacco contains plenty of nicotine that can alter your mood. When you start smoking nicotine will reach your brain very quickly. This can make you feel energized due to enhanced stimulation in the adrenal glands. As there is an increase in the adrenaline it can trigger your blood pressure. Moreover, it can increase breathing and heart rate in many ways.

All these factors can make you feel tired. Once the effect of smoking wears off you will start craving another cigarette right away. If you don’t take another cigarette it can make you feel weak and less sleepy.

When a person starts smoking the carbon dioxide ratio in their bloodstream will increase naturally. It can significantly reduce the amount of oxygen in your body. Your heart will work harder to pump blood around the body. You will feel drained of energy as you try out various activities during the day.

How Can Quitting Smoking Affect Your Energy Levels?

When you give up smoking it will be easy to have more oxygen in the blood. As smoking reduces oxygen in your body it can lead to lower energy levels. Within 72 hours of leaving the smoking habit, you will find it easier to breathe. Moreover, your energy level may rise. Many people who have tried to quit smoking have reported trouble while sleeping.

 Insomnia is a common problem among men who quit smoking. These symptoms can improve over time but you will have to seek advice from your doctor. If your sleeping habit is causing a lot more problems than usual it is best to take action. As you feel exhausted due to giving up smoking it may lead to smoking addiction once again.

What Are The Right Ways To Quit Smoking?

There are a lot of ways in which you can try and quit smoking. However, most of the time it can lead to withdrawal symptoms. If you aim to quit smoking it is best to change your behavior. It is necessary to manage the nicotine withdrawal symptoms and make your daily life better. There are many ways in which you try to keep away from stress and change your mood.

The first step is to prepare yourself as it will work best to make the necessary changes. If you are not able to quit smoking yourself it is best to get in touch with a coach. Sometimes nicotine replacement therapy can help someone quit smoking. Many people use nicotine patches along with lozenges or gum to give up smoking.

How to Quit Smoking & Sleep Better?

If you have recently quit smoking and can’t sleep properly at night, there are ways to combat it. You can try nicotine replacement therapy as it is turning out well for the improvement of sleeping patterns. NRT is a medication that can improve the entire level of nicotine in your body. You can adapt to such changes as the tar and other harmful chemicals will be away from your entire body. The lower level of nicotine will help you deal with withdrawal symptoms very soon.

 Therefore it will lead to lesser cravings and you can sleep in a better manner. There are different types of NRT including patches, lozenges, gums, and sprays. If you are a regular and heavy smoker, patches may not work in your favor. However, this can turn out to be a good option if you want to treat insomnia. It will help you stay asleep and avoid cravings. You can take these patches from a regular medical store with a proper prescription from a doctor.

Tips for Sleeping Better After Giving Up Smoking

When you quit smoking you may find it difficult to fall asleep. It is best to improve your sleep patterns with a lot of natural methods. The first thing is that you can try out some good exercises. Sometimes even small walks and yoga can help you feel better. You normally feel tired after a good exercise session and helps you sleep better.

Another good method is to cut down on the level of caffeine and avoid feeling uneasy. Many people claim that they have started sleeping better after trying out herbal tea. You can easily pick it up from a supermarket as these teas are available without any difficulty. Although quitting smoking at first can make you feel tired. However, it has a lot of good benefits to offer in the long run.

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Does Giving Up Smoking Make You Tired?

The truthful answer is that yes smoking can make you feel tired. If you choose the right way it can prevent the symptoms from increasing. You can keep your willpower stronger than usual. When you quit smoking it may feel like a challenging battle. However, you can resist the urge and keep the temptations lower. If your willpower isn’t strong trying out some medicines will be a good choice.

You can always choose a method that can prevent withdrawal symptoms to a great extent. It may not seem like an easy journey but you can handle it strongly. Smoking can have a direct effect on your energy levels. If you are feeling drained since sometimes pay attention to your smoking patterns. When you quit smoking it can improve the level of oxygen very conveniently.

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Sarhan Basem is Brussels Morning's Senior Correspondent to the European Parliament. With a Bachelor's degree in English Literature, Sarhan brings a unique blend of linguistic finesse and analytical prowess to his reporting. Specializing in foreign affairs, human rights, civil liberties, and security issues, he delves deep into the intricacies of global politics to provide insightful commentary and in-depth coverage. Beyond the world of journalism, Sarhan is an avid traveler, exploring new cultures and cuisines, and enjoys unwinding with a good book or indulging in outdoor adventures whenever possible.