Coconut Oil and Teeth Whitening: Separating Fact from Fiction

Sarhan Basem

Brussels (Brussels Morning) – If you like to use organic products there are high chances you have heard about coconut oil. It offers plenty of benefits for enhancing your health and beauty. Coconut oil has become the talk of the town. Some people claim that it helps them with weight loss while others say it is good for whitening teeth. However, coconut oil doesn’t have any whitening properties. It’s just a good way to keep up with your oral hygiene. You may feel that it sounds like a magical product. However, it is always good to be cautious.

Can People Use Coconut Oil To Whiten Their Teeth?

Nowadays everyone is talking about coconut oil. Many beauty bloggers are promoting it for teeth whitening. There is no doubt that coconut oil can help you remove stains. Moreover, if you can add turmeric it turns out to be a natural antioxidant and good for oral health. Turmeric has anti-inflammatory properties which is another plus. You will see many advertisements on social media that claim a mixture of coconut and turmeric will help you remove plaque.

If you want to try out this whitening method it is very easy to follow. Another method that involves coconut oil is known as oil pulling. Here you will take a teaspoon of oil and melt it in your mouth. There is no doubt oil pulling has been around since traditional times. Many people have tried and got success with it naturally.

Does Coconut Oil Work To Whiten Your Teeth?

If you are wondering whether coconut oil works for whitening your teeth or not, we have your answer here. The good news is that coconut oil will help you take care of your teeth naturally. There are no harmful ingredients present in it. However, the bad news is that it doesn’t whiten your teeth. You will not get any evidence regarding it either. If you try swishing your brushing your teeth with oil it can taste bad.

It will take some time to get proper results for the health of your teeth. There is scientific proof that can explain if coconut oil works to whiten teeth or not. As coconut oil doesn’t boast of any whitening properties it is not wise to claim it whitens your teeth. If you want to improve your gums and the health of your teeth, try using other methods. Many good kinds of toothpaste can thoroughly clean your teeth.

What Is The Best Way To Whiten Teeth?

You shouldn’t try out unproven methods to whiten your teeth. Many people swish with hydrogen peroxide and apple cider vinegar. They may believe that using lemon peels is another good solution for teeth whitening. There are no proven facts regarding these products and you shouldn’t waste your time and effort on them. The best way to achieve a nice and clean smile is to brush your teeth regularly day and night.

You cannot let the food particles get stuck in the teeth as it can lead to bigger issues. If this isn’t enough you can visit any dentist and they will give you a good treatment. Why not see a good difference right after two weeks? There is no doubt that professional teeth whitening techniques are safe and effective. Moreover, it can be affordable. Try and skip such methods that are not going to help you in any way. Put your trust in the dentist as they help you achieve clean and beautiful teeth.

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Coconut Oil Pulling: An Ancient Trick

Coconut oil is beneficial in a lot of ways. It comes from a health plan and many dermatologists consider it safe for your skin. Many people who use this oil claim that it keeps their skin healthy and hydrated. There are plenty of records of coconut oil being used in Ayurvedic medicines. It claims that coconut oil can have a good effect on oral health. Particularly the method of ‘oil pulling’ has gained a lot of attention since ancient times.

 This method will not only clean your mouth but keep it away from bad breath. Moreover, it can enhance the health of your gum and teeth. Coconut oils are rich in saturated fats and medium-chain triglycerides (MCT). If you practice oil pulling with a little quantity of oil it can bring good results. This trick is pretty simple as you just have to take one tablespoon of coconut oil to swish or pull. You can do so for around 15 minutes and spit it out before brushing your teeth.

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Sarhan Basem is Brussels Morning's Senior Correspondent to the European Parliament. With a Bachelor's degree in English Literature, Sarhan brings a unique blend of linguistic finesse and analytical prowess to his reporting. Specializing in foreign affairs, human rights, civil liberties, and security issues, he delves deep into the intricacies of global politics to provide insightful commentary and in-depth coverage. Beyond the world of journalism, Sarhan is an avid traveler, exploring new cultures and cuisines, and enjoys unwinding with a good book or indulging in outdoor adventures whenever possible.