Brussels firefighters attack police during pension protest

Sarhan Basem
Credit: Bruzz

Belgium (Brussels Morning Newspaper) – In a peaceful protest against the future federal government’s pension schemes, a group of firefighters attacked police officers, leaving several of them injured in Brussels.

The event that happened when protesters tried to change the planned route and halt the movement around the small ring road near Naamsepoort has elicited much concern about the behaviour of the actors in their quest for freedom of expression.

The Brussels police also regretted the violence, clarified that such an action was not welcome during a protest, and assured the public that the issue would be investigated rigorously.

Several police officers got injured in Brussels during pension reform protests when firefighters who went off the agreed line of march attacked the policemen. The police and the Brussels Fire Department discouraged violence, noting that everyone should share their opinions with civility.

The remarkable incident involved some 30 to 100 firefighters who deviated from the protest route and clashed with the police. The police expressed regret over the incident, stating,

These facts have no place in a peaceful demonstration, and we deeply regret this.

They focused on the sense of understanding and courtesy that has to be present between and among all stakeholders of such occurrences. The police have assured the public that they will be doing everything possible to ensure that such incidents do not happen again.

Walter Derieuw, speaking for the Brussels Fire Department, said that they did not support violence targeting police officers and clarified that such behaviour is not acceptable to them. He said that formerly police and firefighters also took positions on New Year’s Eve, saying no to conflict and disrespect.

Derieuw went on to state that there would be an investigation into the people involved in the violence during the protest. He reiterated that the firefighters’ demands could be made “calmly and with dignity,” reinforcing their commitment to supporting law enforcement as a “privileged partner.” Due to this event, there have been debates on civilize4ness when protesting and also the best way to present grievances.

Context of firefighter protests in Belgium

The clash followed a series of conflicts surrounding the reform of pensions, employment, and working conditions for firefighters in Belgium. Firefighters have been especially concerned with expected new modifications and measures regarding retirement systems, which might make it impossible for them to retire at reasonable ages, most essentially given the physical nature of their work.

It is important for many firefighters to stay active and receive a pension before the age of 55 for several reasons, such as stress and excessive physical strain on their bodies at work throughout their working years.

Firefighters’ protest action has recently intensified as they continue to demand action on understaffing and degrading working conditions in their sector. Such actions are a continuation of a trend observed in various professions of the public sector, which demands improved remuneration and working conditions due to worsening costs of living.

The statement of the Brussels Fire Department also reveals that these problems are being treated while resorting to violence and will not receive their approval as they are advocating for peaceful protests by the workers to the authorities.

Due to economic problems and possible changes to the legislation governing the conditions for employees in the Belgian public sector, it is crucial at this time to continue meaningful discussions not only between the representatives of the fire brigades, the police, and the government but also in the interests of their personnel and the citizens who elected them. This case also shows us how protests should be carried out in order to avoid chaos and psychopathic behaviour that we saw, in this case, getting out of hand.

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Sarhan Basem is Brussels Morning's Senior Correspondent to the European Parliament. With a Bachelor's degree in English Literature, Sarhan brings a unique blend of linguistic finesse and analytical prowess to his reporting. Specializing in foreign affairs, human rights, civil liberties, and security issues, he delves deep into the intricacies of global politics to provide insightful commentary and in-depth coverage. Beyond the world of journalism, Sarhan is an avid traveler, exploring new cultures and cuisines, and enjoys unwinding with a good book or indulging in outdoor adventures whenever possible.
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