Bruges introduces eco-friendly natural burial ground

Sarhan Basem

Bruges (Brussels Morning): Bruges has opened a new natural burial ground to meet growing demand for eco-friendly burials. The peaceful nature-focused cemetery allows ash burials without traditional markers providing a sustainable alternative to conventional burial options.

Bruges is now offering natural burial options due to high demand. Before they didn’t have this choice but now they do. The city is allowing people to bury ashes in a cemetery that looks natural and fits in with the environment. This new option is meant to be more eco-friendly and peaceful compared to traditional burials.

What is the design and purpose of Bruges new natural burial ground?

Bruges now has a new natural burial ground to meet the growing demand for eco-friendly burials. It’s a place where you can bury ashes in a cemetery that blends in with nature. According to environmentalist this option is calmer and better for the environment than traditional burials. Mercedes Van Volcem, the Alderman for Public Domain highlighted the importance of offering this choice to meet the community’s changing wishes. The entrance to the natural burial ground in Bruges is specially designed to be accessible to all visitors. It’s raised above the ground and connected to the burial area by a gentle sloping pathway. Along the slope there are rest areas where people can take a break and contemplate. Alderman Van Volcem mentioned that this design allows everyone no matter their mobility to visit and move around the burial ground easily and comfortably.

They built an oak boardwalk over the natural burial ground in Bruges to protect the soil and nature. This boardwalk is a special path for visitors so it doesn’t harm the environment. It has raised edges to help visually impaired people and those in wheelchairs or with strollers move around safely. In the middle of the boardwalk there’s a special spot for short ceremonies. There’s a tree stump where the urn can be put making it the center of the service. There are benches for people to sit on during the ceremony. This design makes sure that the burial ground is respectful to nature and easy for everyone to visit.

Why did Bruges choose to open its new natural burial ground in September?

The natural burial ground in Bruges cost over 500,000 euros to build and offers an eco-friendly option compared to traditional cemeteries. It’s meant to be a peaceful and sustainable place that blends in with the natural surroundings.

The decision to open the burial ground in September is important. This waiting time allows the newly planted trees, shrubs and plants to grow strong roots and adapt to the environment. This careful approach ensures that the burial ground becomes one with nature creating a calm and green space for families and visitors. Environmentalist said that by waiting until September the plants will have had time to grow and become stronger making the burial ground even more beautiful and balanced with nature. They said that this shows how important it is to have an environmentally friendly burial option that cares for the natural surroundings. The delay also gives a chance to make any needed changes or provide extra care to help the plants grow well and get the area ready for visitors.

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Sarhan Basem is Brussels Morning's Senior Correspondent to the European Parliament. With a Bachelor's degree in English Literature, Sarhan brings a unique blend of linguistic finesse and analytical prowess to his reporting. Specializing in foreign affairs, human rights, civil liberties, and security issues, he delves deep into the intricacies of global politics to provide insightful commentary and in-depth coverage. Beyond the world of journalism, Sarhan is an avid traveler, exploring new cultures and cuisines, and enjoys unwinding with a good book or indulging in outdoor adventures whenever possible.
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