Brussels (The Brussels Morning Newspaper): During the 2024 European elections as many as 15.29% of EU and non-EU citizens who had the right to exercise their franchise went ahead and registered themselves on voting lists with a much larger number of those from European Union countries than those coming from outside this grouping in most areas throughout the territory of Belgium.
EU nationals that were eligible to register to vote, only 16.27% actually did . It means that 135,037 out of 830,914 people participated in the exercise. In comparison out of all eligible non-EU nationals 11.91% registered representing 27,780 out of total number of possible votes (233,592). Adding both figures gives us 162,817 registered voters from 1,064,506 potential voters amounting to a total of 15.29%.
How do voter registration rates differ between EU and non-EU nationals in Belgium?
 In Flanders, 10.4% of the EU nationals who live there have registered to exercise their right to vote in municipal elections.In the case of a relatively low decision as to where citizenship counts only 7.6%of the non-EU foreigners who qualify for this right from living here have actually taken it up a little bit lower than among Europeans and citizens from developed countries. In recent years before 2018 council elections throughout Luxembourg Municipality people have examined these uneven rates of participation from amongst countable citizens according to their place and manner of domicile in Flanders.
Brussels the capital city of Belgium has 17.09% of the foreigners from other EU countries who were registered to vote up until July 15, 1998 which is a total figure of 41,251. In addition to this 13.25% that is 9192 people numerically if you will are those individuals over 18 years old from outside the EU who were able to meet all the required qualifications for an elector. A similar pattern can be found among EU aliens in Wallonia with which they represent 24.6% and today everyone registering to vote is free to do .18.62% non-EU aliens that can be eligible have registered as well. These new registrations can only have far-reaching consequences as it seems Adolf Rey has pointed out something like this when he said In nine German-speaking municipalities those situated within the eastern region of required province. We have numbers looking like this 15.53% or EU foreigners registered for voting and 2.62% for non-EU foreigners who were supposed to fill their forms anytime but did so at last minute without fail.