Tomáš Zdechovský MEP

Tomáš Zdechovský MEP is a Czech politician, crisis manager, and media analyst. He is a member of KDU-CSL (Christian-Democratic Party) and till April 2022 he was a Deputy Leader of the party.
26 Articles

Maltese ID Cards Forgery Scandal Threatens the Very Existence of the Schengen Area 

Malta has a huge problem along with the EU as a whole. A former member of the Parliament…

“Securing Europe’s Future: A Unified Front Against Terrorism and Organized Crime”

These networks exist not despite Europe’s borders, but because of them. Our single market and freedom of movement…

Why Europe should pay attention to Central Asia

Belgium (Brussels Morning Newspaper), We live in an interconnected world where even Europe cannot manage without goods imports from…

MEP Zdechovský proposes a resolution condemning Christian massacre in Nigeria

"When I read reports in foreign media about this brutal attack at Christmas, I immediately started working on…

Europe’s Chance to Capitalize on Declining Russian Influence in Central Asia

Central Asia was, therefore, the vital link between the Far East and Europe until the era of overseas…

Is Russia gaining influence in Africa at the expense of Europe and can we change it?

Belgium (Brussels Morning Newspaper), One of the manifestations of the current changing world is the growing importance of…

Europe must stop being a “political dwarf and military worm”

It had a long-standing tendency to choose a more cautious or even unwilling approach to military solutions, believing…

Europe has a problem: Ignoring Chinese propaganda

According to her, the Chinese approach to the EU has "hardened," since 2019, as China intensified direct propaganda…

The Russian kleptocracy and blood diamonds

However, we face obstacles in this fight. Kleptocrats have learned to exploit vulnerabilities in our systems, such as…

EU commitment to tackle mental-ill health

Furthermore, there is a range of phenomena which are closely interconnected with mental health such as addictions. This…

Why is Europe still creating obstacles for the defense industry?

Already the ancient Romans comprehended that if you want peace, you must prepare for war. But in recent…

How Russia uses „green NGOs“ to promote its interests

We should also not assume that this problem can or should be resolved by the European Parliament only.…

Europe must stay strong and increase military supplies to Ukraine. The stakes are high

Belgium, (Brussels Morning Newspaper) The Russian invasion of Ukraine shocked entire Europe, when waking up to the reality…

Russian participation in the Olympic Games means legitimizing war crimes

Belgium, (Brussels Morning Newspaper) One of the inseparable features of modern war conflicts is that they affect the…

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