Sam Vaknin

Sam Vaknin, Ph.D. is a former economic advisor to governments (Nigeria, Sierra Leone, North Macedonia), served as the editor in chief of “Global Politician” and as a columnist in various print and international media including “Central Europe Review” and United Press International (UPI). He taught psychology and finance in various academic institutions in several countries ( )
112 Articles

Psychology of Political Assassins

Would-be assassins of political figures engage in dichotomous thinking (splitting): evil vs. good. The politician is all evil,…

Uvalde, Be’eri: Work Ethic is Dead

On May 24, 2022, law enforcement officers amassed outside the Robb Elementary School as a gunman mowed down…

The 2nd American Revolution

The USA is declining and decomposing and the Republican party have zoomed in on the sole agents and…

Judges, Prosecutors Terrified of Vengeful Dictator Trump

Why would other judges indefinitely delay criminal cases against Donald Trump, or suddenly postpone his sentencing following his…

SCOTUS vs. USA: Unraveling the Union

Public trust in the Supreme Court of the USA is at an all-time low and for good reason:…

Israel: Jewish Ghetto in a Roiled World

Jerusalem (Brussels Morning) - The southern and northern regions of Israel have become uninhabitable, reducing the state to…

The Growing Unease with New Technologies

Belgium (Brussels Morning) - Innovation has alternated between teamwork and individual genius, focusing on inputs and outputs rather…

Hamas Won This War Decisively

2. It stopped dead in its tracks emigration to Israel (Aliyah) and encouraged immigration by those who can…

Nuclear Proliferation and World Peace

The limitations of the military-political might of any single polity are now painfully clear in multiple locations: the…

The Danse Macabre of Israel-Hamas Hostage Deal

Israel is committed to the unrealistic goal of eradicating Hamas and assassinating its top military leaders who are…

Divestment: From South Africa to Israel?

According to the Encyclopedia Britannica, “In 2004 the General Assembly (governing body) of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) approved selective divestment…

The War Criminal’s Mind in a Just War

The solution is to objectify and dehumanize the enemy, leveraging a panoply of primate defense mechanisms: splitting (“We…

Personal Story with War Crime in Israeli Army

In 1979, with the first stirrings of peace between Israel and Egypt, my battalion was sent to Halhul,…

Iran’s Miscalculation, Israel’s Opportunity

Because of the growing threat to its out-of-control proxies everywhere: Hamas, the Houthis, and Hizballah, first and foremost.…

Client and Satellite States

In return, the bigger members of these asymmetrical alliances guarantee the safety and territorial integrity of their client…

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