Ofran Badakhshani

is a poet who fled from Afghanistan and owner of wine shop De Filosoof located in the Papestraat in The Hague, a place where wine, philosophy and poetry embrace. Badakshani currently prepares for his graduation on the subject of moral philosophy. He is an active member of political party VVD and various student organisations of the Amsterdam-based universities VU and UVA. He is chairman of Afghan young people's organisation Khorasan, member of the board at VON and has executed various projects of the Changemakers Programme regarding honour-related violence, LGBT emancipation and forced mariages. These activities do not only focus Afghans: he also worked with Iranians, Moroccans and Somali young people. Khorasan's activities do not only take place in The Netherlands, but also in Germany, UK, Belgium and France.
1 Article

The decolonization of Afghanistan

Belgium (Brussels Morning Newspaper) How much longer can we pretend that developments in Afghanistan do not concern us?…

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