Antwerp: (Brussels Morning) Assam a 4,126 kg elephant at Antwerp Zoo needs a new larger home due to his size. He will move to Augsburg to live with other male elephants and socialize naturally.
Assam the big elephant at Antwerp Zoo now weighs around 4,126 kilograms which is much heavier than a lion that weighs about 190 kilograms. Because Assam has gotten so big he needs a new larger home than the Egyptian temple at the zoo. The zoo spokesperson Ilse Segers said they want to give Assam a better and more spacious place to live as he gets bigger. This change is part of the zoo’s effort to make sure all the animals are happy and have the right space as they grow.
Why is Antwerp Zoo moving their giant elephant Assam to a larger habitat?
As Assam gets older it’s important to give him a place where he can act naturally and keep growing freely. Zoo keeps working to make better homes for the animals, like Assam so they can live well. The zoo really cares about the animals and wants to give them the best possible homes. By improving Assam’s habitat they want to make his life better and make it more exciting for people who visit him in his new bigger home.
Assam is going to live with other male elephants in Augsburg as decided by the studbook keeper. This change is to make sure he is with his kind and can socialize like he would in the wild. The German caretakers who will look after Assam in Augsburg have visited him in Antwerp and are excited to take care of him there. The zoos are working together to take good care of their animals. Assam will join other male elephants in Augsburg to have friends and a happy life. This way of caring for animals in zoos helps them behave naturally and socialize like they would in the wild.
Ilse Segers said:
“His German carers have already visited Antwerp to get to know Assam. They were very enthusiastic and promised to take good care of him”
Assam learned to go into a big box on his own which is then lifted onto a truck to go to Germany. They put a chain on his legs to keep him safe and secure during the trip. In Antwerp the young elephant Sam won’t be alone for too long because elephants like to be together. A few days after Assam leaves,a new elephant usually comes from Prague Czech Republic. He’s 8 years old and his name is Maximiliaan but they call him Max for short. Ilse Segers joked that they hope to all be friends soon.