Antwerp (Brussels Morning Newspaper) – A fire broke out in Vliegenstraat, Antwerp destroying a house and hospitalising 2 people for smoke inhalation. Firefighters evacuated neighbours, prevented further damage, and rescued a dog. The cause is under investigation.
On February 26, 2025, a house on Vliegenstraat in Antwerp caught fire. The ground floor was where the fire began, and it swiftly spread to the upper floors. There was a lot of smoke produced by the fierce fires. When firefighters got there, the house was already severely damaged.
How did the Antwerp fire destroy a home?
The firefighters quickly moved people out of the houses next door to keep them safe. They used big hoses and tall ladders to fight the fire for many hours. They made sure the fire didn’t spread to other houses. Emergency workers stayed all night to watch the area and make sure the houses were safe.
According to officials, when the fire was finally put out, people checked how much damage was done and tried to figure out what started the fire. They mentioned that the people who had to leave their homes waited to go back. The fire scared the people in the neighbourhood, but no one was hurt.
“When we arrived on the scene, the residents were fortunately already safe,”
Says Jasmien O of the Antwerp fire brigade zone.
“Because the fire threatened to spread to the houses next door, we had to evacuate residents there as well.”
To prevent the fire from spreading, the firemen put in many hours of hard labour. According to a fire department official, the other houses just had a broken window. When it was safe, the people who had to leave their homes were able to go back. But the house where the fire started was almost destroyed.
According to officials, everyone who lived in the house got out safely. But 2 people got sick from breathing in smoke and had to go to the hospital. One of them was the person who lived in the house. The other person lived next door and got sick from the smoke. Firefighters also saved a dog from the burning house.