Aarschot (Brussels Morning Newspaper) – Aarschot is using EcoWerf’s mobile cameras to catch illegal trash dumpers, especially near glass and clothing containers. Alderman Isabelle Dehond warns of hefty fines. In Holsbeek, dumping decreased by 16%.
The city of Aarschot, Belgium is trying to stop people from dumping trash illegally. They are using mobile cameras from EcoWerf, a waste organisation. The cameras will be placed in areas where people often dump trash, like near glass and clothing containers. Most people in Aarschot want to keep their city clean, but some people still dump trash illegally.
According to Isabelle Dehond, the city official in charge of waste, the city knows where the problem areas are. They are using cameras to catch the people who are dumping trash and punish them. This is part of the city’s plan to make Aarschot a cleaner place to live.
“Most people want a clean city, but there are still stubborn illegal dumpers who leave waste behind,”
Says Isabelle Dehond.
How is Aarschot using EcoWerf cameras to stop illegal dumping?
EcoWerf will watch the videos from the cameras. They will then tell the city who was caught dumping trash illegally. The city will give these people fines. The city might also make the people pay to clean up the trash they dump.
According to Isabelle Dehond, the city will be tough on people who dump trash illegally. They want to stop people from doing it and they want people to know that they will be punished. The city wants to make sure that Aarschot is a clean place for everyone to live.
The alderman says.
“He can then proceed to issue GAS fines. The intention is to be able to issue hefty fines, and if necessary, we can also charge costs for cleaning up the waste. Those who do not want to hear must feel.”
Aarschot is not the only city using cameras from EcoWerf to catch people who dump trash illegally. EcoWerf has already put these cameras in other cities and towns. These places are often dirty because people leave trash there.
In Holsbeek, the number of people dumping trash illegally went down by 16% in one year. Officials mentioned that the cameras are a good way to stop people from dumping trash. The cameras make people think twice because they know they could get a fine. EcoWerf and the city want to make the environment cleaner and reduce the amount of trash that is dumped illegally.