BOS+ Fights De Lin Depot Approval to Protect Ghent’s Green Spaces

Lailuma Sadid
Credit: Facebook Het BloemekenswijkBos

Ghent (The Brussels Morning Newspaper): Flanders approved a new De Lin depot, but BOS+ opposes it, claiming it threatens vital green spaces and wildlife. They plan to challenge the permit, emphasizing the need for better environmental protections.

At the end of June, Flanders was permitted to build a new De Lijn depot, but the environmental group BOS+ strongly disagreed. They say the new depot will damage one of the last natural areas in a busy region. Laure De Vroey from BOS+ mentioned that the construction will cover important green space where protected animals live, which is important for the environment. The group believes that the permit didn’t properly look at how this would affect wildlife and didn’t offer enough protection for the environment.

Is the De Lin depot in Ghent a threat to urban nature and wildlife?

BOS+ has decided to challenge the permit by going to the Council for Permit Disputes. They believe that the permit was not properly supported, with important environmental studies either ignored or not done well enough to allow the project. BOS+ wants to stop the construction or make sure the project is looked at again to protect the natural area and the wildlife living there. This legal action emphasizes the importance of protecting urban green spaces from new developments.

BOS+ believes the site has special features that need more attention. They say Flanders isn’t managing our limited space well and that important studies haven’t been done properly. BOS+ thinks it’s better to keep the existing nature instead of trying to create new green spaces elsewhere. To make up for this loss, the city would need to plant 50,000 facade gardens or remove 2.5 million tiles.

BOS+ says that the authorities should work together to find a better solution. They understand the need for good public transport, but they don’t want to lose the forest because it’s an important part of Ghent‘s nature. Right now, no work has started, but some environmental activists have been living in the grove since June to protest. A judge told them to leave, and they might get fined, but they’re still hiding in the trees.

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Lailuma Sadid is a former diplomat in the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan Embassy to the kingdom of Belgium, in charge of NATO. She attended the NATO Training courses and speakers for the events at NATO H-Q in Brussels, and also in Nederland, Germany, Estonia, and Azerbaijan. Sadid has is a former Political Reporter for Pajhwok News Agency, covering the London, Conference in 2006 and Lisbon summit in 2010.
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