What Happens When You Quit Smoking and Start Vaping?

Sarhan Basem

Brussels (Brussels Morning Newspaper) – Are you trying to quit smoking? It is necessary to know about the health risks of smoking. However, do you know what happens when you try and stop smoking? How your body reacts is the first thing you should understand. By quitting your smoking habit the damage to your body can reduce to a great extent. If you buy an e-liquid online it can prevent further problems. This is why many people are starting to vape as it is less dangerous compared to smoking a cigarette. It is one of the reasons why at least 5 million people are alive today.

What Happens To Your Body When You Quit Smoking?

There are a lot of benefits if you try and shift from smoking to vaping. Regular tobacco cigarettes contain harmful ingredients that are toxic to your body. You can have heart or lung disease while your mind may become addicted to nicotine. When vaping electronic cigarettes the amount of damage to your lungs and other parts of the body decreases significantly. Here is a timeline that depicts what will happen to your body as you switch to vaping.

1. After 20 Minutes

When you switch to vaping from smoking, after 20 minutes your heart rate will drop significantly. Moreover, your blood pressure will become more stable than before.

2. After 2 Hours

You will notice that your blood circulation is drastically improving. After two hours you will experience a lot of side effects from nicotine withdrawal. When you switch to vaping with nicotine E-liquid you may get all the withdrawal symptoms. These symptoms may turn out to be intense but you can cope with them.

3. After 12 & 24 Hours

After 12 hours of smoking your body will start leaving carbon dioxide behind. Carbon dioxide is a dangerous and poisonous gas that is one of the main ingredients in cigarettes. It connects with the blood cells and stops them from combining with oxygen. This is the reason why many smokers get cardiovascular problems. The best part is that carbon dioxide is not present inside vapes. You will notice that after 24 hours of smoking your heart begins to come back to normal condition.

4. What Happens Three Days After Quitting Smoking?

Smokers can feel at ease as after three days of quitting smoking, all the traces of nicotine will be gone. Not a single trace will be left inside your body and cause any irritation. However, the withdrawal symptoms at this point will be at their peak. It will be even more evident if you are trying to quit by going cold turkey. If you are trying to quit smoking with the help of vaping, the side effects will significantly decrease. Moreover, it can reduce the craving for cigarettes as well. Right after two weeks of quitting smoking, you will see a betterment in the functioning of the liver.

5. One Month After You Stop Smoking

Your lungs are sensitive and contain cilia. You may not have idea that cilia are microscopic hair-like linings attached to your lungs. It can remove debris and microbes from the airways. When a person starts smoking these airways are blocked and make breathing difficult. Tar can clog the inner walls of your lungs making it difficult to breathe properly. After one month of leaving cigarettes, you can expect to feel free and healthy once again. The mucus and dust will completely wipe out from the airways making you breathe smoothly. This can lower the risk of infections.

6. What Happens After 9- 12 Months Of Quitting Smoking?

After 3-9 months of smoking the health of your lungs will continue to improve. There will be a decrease in coughing and infection too. Fortunately, after 12 months the risk of heart disease will go down to a great extent. The same is the case if you switch directly to vaping within this time. Moreover after 10 years your body will be completely free of smoking elements. 

Read More: Unprecedented momentum for EU action in healthcare to make our systems more resilient

Why Switch from Smoking to Vaping?

There are plenty of benefits when you quit smoking for good. However, many ask why should use vaping to help them quit. Many people who try to force themselves to not smoke fail to continue this habit. After six months they are at it again. It is not possible to quit smoking if you don’t have help. According to the latest research vaping makes it easy for you to quit smoking cigarettes. The best part is that vaping can reduce the craving for nicotine.

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Sarhan Basem is Brussels Morning's Senior Correspondent to the European Parliament. With a Bachelor's degree in English Literature, Sarhan brings a unique blend of linguistic finesse and analytical prowess to his reporting. Specializing in foreign affairs, human rights, civil liberties, and security issues, he delves deep into the intricacies of global politics to provide insightful commentary and in-depth coverage. Beyond the world of journalism, Sarhan is an avid traveler, exploring new cultures and cuisines, and enjoys unwinding with a good book or indulging in outdoor adventures whenever possible.
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