The Islamic Republic must be held accountable for its crimes

Martin Banks

Belgium, (Brussels Morning Newspaper) MEPs say that any counter-measures targeting the EU taken by what they call the “brutal regime of Iran” will not stop them from denouncing the “lack of democracy, freedom and respect of human rights in the country.”

Deputies have again “strongly condemned” the Iranian authorities’ decision to impose sanctions against EU and United Kingdom individuals and entities.

Those targeted include S&D MEPs Thijs Reuten and Dietmar Köster.

The move comes after the adoption of a parliament resolution on the EU response to recent protests in Iran.

Commenting on the issue, S&D Group president, Iratxe García, declared, “This reckless decision does not intimidate us. Sanctions will not silence our voice. On the contrary, they just reinforce our commitment and conviction to stand up against the ruthless crackdown targeting women, men, and young people who oppose the brutality of the regime in Iran.”
She added, “As expressed in the European Parliament resolution, we urge the regime of Iran to stop killing its own people and respect human rights and democracy. The new package of sanctions approved by the European Council goes in the right direction.
“As a further and much-needed step, we now urge member states to designate the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) as a terrorist organization.”
Garcia went on, “Jina Mahsa Amini, Majid Reza Rahnavard, Mohammad Mehdi Karami, Mohsen Shekari, Seyyed Mohammad Hosseini, Hamed Salahshoor, and all the girls, boys, women and men that have been sentenced to death in mock trials since we will continue saying their names and honor their fight for freedom and democracy. Their fight is our fight,” said the Spanish MEP.

Further comment came from Ernest Urtasun, Vice-President of the Greens-EFA.

He said, “The European Parliament has spoken out strongly against the Iranian regime’s violent repression and killings of its people. The Islamic Republic must be held accountable for its crimes and must allow access to the newly established UN fact-finding mission.

“We call for an extension of sanctions against the most senior representatives of the Islamic Republic, starting with Ayatollah Khamenei and President Raisi.

“We also ask the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps to be listed as a terrorist organization while avoiding negative consequences for humanitarian aid and Iranian conscripts. The Iranian regime should stop the executions, release all the imprisoned protesters and abolish the death penalty.”

An EU Council spokesman noted, “The EU continues to call on Iran to cease immediately the imposition and execution of death sentences against protesters, reverse the death penalty sentences pronounced, and provide due process to all detainees.”

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Martin Banks is an experienced British-born journalist who has been covering the EU beat (and much else besides) in Brussels since 2001. Previously, he had worked for many years in regional journalism in the UK and freelanced for national titles. He has a keen interest in foreign affairs and has closely followed the workings of the European Parliament and MEPs in particular for some years.
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