Qatargate, Eva Kaili was “tortured” her lawyers complain


Agencies/La Stampa – The lawyers of Greek MEP said: “She was held for 16 hours in a police cell, not in prison, in the cold, she was refused a second blanket”. Now the Belgian justice must evaluate whether she will continue to be held in a cell.

“From Wednesday 11 January to Friday 13 January Eva Kaili was in solitary confinement on the orders of the investigating judge Michel Claise. For sixteen hours she was in a police cell, not in prison, and in the cold. She was denied a second blanket. This is torture .” This was claimed by the lawyer Michalis Dimitrakopoulos, lawyer of the MEP and former vice president of the Strasbourg assembly Eva Kaili, at the end of the hearing at the Brussels Court on the precautionary measures to be applied to the Greek politician arrested over a month ago in the context of the investigation into the so-called Qatargate.

Eva Kaili was “tortured”: it is the accusation of her lawyer Michalis Dimitrakopoulos , at the end of the hearing before the Council Chamber who must evaluate the request for release from the Greek politician, involved in the investigation into Qatargate , in prison since last December 9th.

«Last week she remained in solitary confinement for three days – denounces the lawyer of the former vice president of the European Parliament – ​​for three days they kept her with the light on, it was cold and they didn’t give her a blanket. She was indisposed and lost a lot of blood. This is torture, we are in the Middle Ages ».

The Belgian justice must decide whether to extend the detention of the Greek politician or to order alternative measures. Kaili is represented in court by lawyers André Risopoulos and Mihalis Dimitrakopoulos. The judges’ decision is expected in the afternoon.

«I will never stop saying that she is innocent – ​​explains Dimitrakopoulos – Eva Kaili has never had any professional collaboration with Mr. Panzeri . From the afternoon of Wednesday 11 January to Friday 13 January, Eva Kaili was placed in solitary confinement by decision of the investigating judge she was in solitary confinement by order of the investigating judge Michel Claise. She was kept for 16 hours in a police cell, not in prison, the light was on constantly and she was not allowed to sleep, she was on her period and was not allowed to wash.”

«Eva Kaili – continues the lawyer – faces the accusations but there is always the presumption of innocence, we are in Europe! These conducts violate the European Convention on Human Rights, these facts constitute torture, these facts reflect the Middle Ages. I hope for a fair trial, we are in Europe”.

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