Vooruit party in Antwerp energized by actress Lien Van de Kelder

Sarhan Basem
Credit: VRT

Antwerp (The Brussels morning Newspaper): After recent setbacks the Vooruit party in Antwerp has nominated actress and lawyer Lien Van de Kelder as a candidate for the upcoming municipal elections. Her public visibility and legal expertise aim to attract voters and reinvigorate the party’s image following the departures of key figures.

It has been said that after a tough time for the Antwerp branch of the Vooruit party, especially with aldermen Tom Meeuws and Jinnih Beels stepping back from the upcoming municipal elections the party has introduced a surprising new candidate. Lien Van de Kelder a well-known Belgian actress and lawyer, has been placed third on their electoral list. She is famous for her roles in popular Flemish TV shows like “Wittekerke” and “Thuis,” and she has also been practicing law since 2012. Her joining the Vooruit list is seen as a smart move to bring new energy and attract more voters using her public fame and experience in both acting and law.

How is actress Lien Van de Kelder reinvigorating Vooruit in Antwerp?

This decision comes at a time when Vooruit is trying to reinvent itself and strengthen its position in Antwerp, especially after the departure of key figures Meeuws and Beels. Van de Kelder’s candidacy is being referred to as a ‘white rabbit,’ a term in Belgian politics for a surprising candidate brought in to create momentum and media attention. Her addition to the list is seen as a significant move to appeal to a wide range of voters given her public visibility and her legal background, along with her commitment to social justice which aligns with the values of the Vooruit party.

“I have been involved in politics all my life, in the broadest sense of the word”

Lien Van de Kelder

Van de Kelder, who is currently the Network Coordinator for Museums & Heritage in Antwerp, is preparing to run for election. He expressed that not answering questions makes him feel guilty and believes he should engage in politics to counter the rise of right-wing ideologies and address polarization in the city. Throughout his life he has aimed to improve society including supervising minors in youth institutions. He also participated in protests to close the De Lin depot in the Zurenborg district, where he lives, achieving success in that effort.

Lien Van de Kelder, an actress, believes that to solve problems in Antwerp, people need to work together and respect different opinions. She feels many are frustrated with politics due to constant arguments and wants to avoid dividing citizens into groups. Lien is committed to improving childcare, affordable housing, and public transport, and she supports the Vooruit party for its integrity and willingness to compromise. Having worked for socialist minister Johan Vande Lanotte she has successfully campaigned to remove a polluting depot from her neighborhood and is eager to actively shape the future of the city.

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Sarhan Basem is Brussels Morning's Senior Correspondent to the European Parliament. With a Bachelor's degree in English Literature, Sarhan brings a unique blend of linguistic finesse and analytical prowess to his reporting. Specializing in foreign affairs, human rights, civil liberties, and security issues, he delves deep into the intricacies of global politics to provide insightful commentary and in-depth coverage. Beyond the world of journalism, Sarhan is an avid traveler, exploring new cultures and cuisines, and enjoys unwinding with a good book or indulging in outdoor adventures whenever possible.
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