Vilvoorde (The Brussels Morning Newspaper): The Vilvoorde viaduct is closed to trucks and buses over 3.5 tons on weekends for renovations. Many drivers ignore the ban, leading to increased police enforcement and fines.
The Vilvoorde viaduct is getting renovated, so trucks and buses over 3.5 tons can’t use it for the last three weekends. This rule helps keep everything safe while the work is going on. The project includes important repairs, and the ban is meant to reduce stress on the bridge during construction. These restrictions will likely stay until this part of the renovation is finished.
How is the weekend truck ban on the Vilvoorde viaduct being enforced?
An Berger from the federal police says that enforcing the truck and bus ban on the Vilvoorde viaduct has been difficult because many drivers are not following the rules. Even with clear signs and police watching, a lot of drivers are ignoring the restrictions. The federal police have been actively working to prevent violations of the truck and bus ban on the Vilvoorde viaduct over the past week. They’ve made the signs more visible and increased patrols to monitor traffic in the area. They also conduct checks after the viaduct to catch any drivers who ignore the restrictions. Their focus is on stopping drivers from breaking the rules and addressing violations when they occur, ensuring that the renovation work can continue safely and without too much disruption.Last weekend, the police caught ten drivers breaking the rules about trucks and buses. But this morning, they found 25 violations in just 50 minutes, including 4 buses and 21 trucks. This shows that many people are ignoring the ban, which isn’t what they want. Berger, an official, said the signs are clear and everyone knows about the weekend ban. They will keep checking for rule-breakers. If someone ignores the ban on the Vilvoorde viaduct, they will get a fine of 174 euros plus extra costs. Foreign drivers have to pay right away, while Belgian drivers will get a bill sent to their home. The ban is every weekend from 30th August friday night at 11 PM until 1st september monday morning at 4 AM, and it will stay in place as long as the construction work needs it.