Ultimate Survival Guide In Nuclear Armageddon (2024)

Shiva Singh
(Photo by Time Life Pictures/Us Air Force/The LIFE Picture Collection via Getty Images)

Brussels, (Brussels Morning) – Nuclear explosions can cause damage and causalities to no end. You need to keep yourself safe from radiation sickness and heat. It is best to prepare yourself before a nuclear attack occurs. A nuclear weapon can create a big nuclear explosion. These devices range from small to bigger weapons while they are carried out by a missile. This explosion can occur without any warning. The first fallout happens to be the most dangerous in the very first few hours. Right after the detonation, you can get the highest level of radiation. Here is how you can survive the nuclear war:

Be Prepared For The Worst Case Scenario

If a nuclear attack occurs it is best to keep reducing radiation exposure. In this situation, brick and concrete are the best options. When you stay inside and don’t come near the nuclear explosion area things will become better. You can remove the contaminated clothes and keep the unprotected skin safe. Make Sure that using a hand sanitizer will not protect you from radiation poisoning. At the same time, you should avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth.

Try to stay inside the basement or in the middle of a building. It is best to stay away from the outer walls and roofs while maintaining a distance of six feet from people. If you have a mask, try wearing it to protect yourself from high-altitude explosions. Doctors can treat the radiation damage with potassium iodide. They prescribe a certain level of doses according to the condition of the patient.

Sometimes during a disaster, there are not enough beds for everyone. During the time of the Cold war, the lack of facilities turned out to be a bigger threat to people. According to Tara Drozdenko, the director of the Union of Concerned Scientists Global Security Program: “There are not enough empty burn beds in all of the United States to deal with even a single nuclear attack on one city in the US.”

Seek Shelter Indoors

Nuclear attacks can lead to a lot of disasters. A single nuclear weapon can result in many deaths instantly. However, the number of deaths will depend on the size of the weapon. It also depends on how many people are around the fallout shelters.

If you are a survivor of a nuclear attack will spread out many sand-like particles. When the nuclear fallout reaches the ground it can cause an even bigger disaster. It causes damage to your body cells and can be fatal for life.


When a bomb dropped on Hiroshima during the cold war it led to a big disaster. The survivors were not in a big number either. During the time of a nuclear explosion, people can ideally look for shelters that are in a safe direction. They must not be near the fallen buildings. According to an expert:

“You’d want to go in the direction away from the wind,” Redlener said. “Get as far away as you can in the next 10 to 15 minutes, and then immediately seek shelter before the radiation cloud descends.” The best shelter buildings are schools and offices.

 A place with very few windows can be a better choice. Surprisingly the US doesn’t seem to be ready to cope with an explosion as yet. “There are not enough empty burn beds in all of the United States to deal with even a single nuclear attack on one city in the US.” Tara Drozdenko

Read More: List of All Cities Subject To Possible Nuclear Strike (Find Is Your City Included?)

Rinse Yourself In The Shower

During the first 24 hours, you need to seek shelter indoors. If you are in contact near the explosion area it is better to shower quickly. Make sure that the water is warm while you gently apply the soap. When you scrub hard it will take away the natural oil from your skin. You can cover the cuts and abrasions while rinsing everything properly.

nuclear blast can affect your body very badly. You shouldn’t use any conditioner or body lotion as it can deteriorate your skin badly. Sometimes radioactive particles can trap inside your skin and hair. When it comes to food, the best idea is to consume food from sealed containers. CDC explains that you can have packages, bottles, and cans that are properly sealed. If you leave anything uncovered it will not be safe to eat them all.

You should prefer not to go outside unless the risk of radioactive material has decreased. The US Department of Health and Human Services recommends staying inside for at least 24 hours after the explosion. It may not be challenging to survive a nuclear attack if you act wisely.

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