Qatargate: Historical Perspective Of This Corruption Scandal

Sarhan Basem

Brussels, (Brussels Morning Newspaper) Qatargate is a series of corruption and bribery scandals involving ‘Alleged’ Qatar’s involvement in awarding the 2022 FIFA World Cup to the country. It began in November 2014 when a series of emails emerged suggesting that FIFA officials had been paid bribes to influence their vote in favor of Qatar. 

Although FIFA has denied any wrongdoing, further investigations uncovered evidence of corruption, bribery and money laundering among leading officials from several European countries. As a result, several individuals have been charged with corruption and money laundering offenses.

Quick Snapshot Of Qatargate Scandal

Qatargate is a corruption scandal that has recently come to light in Belgium. It involves several high-profile Qataris, including members of the ruling family, who have allegedly been involved in financial mismanagement and misuse of public funds.

Allegations of money laundering and bribery have compounded the scandal. It has resulted in the arrest and detainment of several people, including a former Prime Minister.

The person Under Investigation

Eva Kaili is a Greek politician at the center of the QatarGate scandal. She is a one-time Member of the European Parliament (MEP) and the current chairwoman of the “Hellenic Parliament Committee on Production and Trade.”

The scandal began when Kaili was accused of accepting a bribe from Qatar’s former Prime Minister, Hamad bin Jassim bin Jaber Al Thani, in exchange for her support in the European Parliament.

The allegation was first made by a Greek investigative journalist in a series of articles in “To Vima” in December 2015. Kaili denied the allegations and filed a lawsuit against the journalist, alleging defamation. 

A Greek court eventually dismissed the case in January 2017. Despite the court ruling, Kaili remained a part of the scandal, as many questioned the legitimacy of her relationship with the former Prime Minister. 

Kaili has since returned to the political arena and is currently a member of the Greek Parliament and chairwoman of the “Hellenic Parliament Committee on Production and Trade.” She has also continued to deny the allegations against her and has said that she has been the victim of a “political witch hunt.”

Qatargate: How Big a Deal is This?

Qatargate is a major international soccer scandal involving bribery and corruption allegations. It has been seen as one of the biggest scandals in international soccer history and has already led to the resignation of several high-ranking officials within FIFA. The full extent of the scandal is still being investigated, and its ultimate impact on the sport remains to be seen.

Qatargate: The Keys to The Scandal

  • The scandal known as ‘Qatargate’ revolves around allegations of corruption and influence peddling by the Qatari government within the European Parliament. It is alleged that Qatar has been using its immense wealth to influence European politicians and decision-makers to support its agenda, particularly in regard to foreign policy issues
  • Financial Transactions: Investigators have uncovered a series of questionable financial transactions between Qatar and European politicians and decision-makers that appear to link to the alleged corruption. These include payments to political parties, donations to think tanks and universities, and even direct payments to individuals
  • Influence of Lobbyists: It is also alleged that Qatar has hired a number of lobbyists to gain access to decision-makers and to try to influence the outcome of legislation in Brussels
  • Lack of Transparency: Critics of Qatar’s activities in the European Parliament point to the lack of transparency surrounding these activities, with the country’s influence being largely hidden from the public. This has led to calls for greater transparency and accountability in the European Parliament
  • Political Fallout: The scandal has had a significant political impact, with several high-profile figures resigning their positions and calling for a full investigation into Qatar’s activities. The scandal has also raised questions about the role of lobbyists in influencing European politics.

However, it is unclear at this time whether there will be more arrests in connection with the Qatargate scandal. Qatar has been accused of illegally purchasing the 2022 FIFA World Cup, and several individuals have already been arrested in connection with the investigation. However, it is possible that more arrests could be made as the investigation continues.

The Bottom Line

Qatargate is a complex situation, and it isn’t easy to draw definitive conclusions. The controversy has been ongoing since 2011, with a variety of allegations against Qatar, including bribery, favoritism, and corruption. 

Clearly, the situation has been profoundly damaging to Qatar’s reputation, and the country has taken steps to address the allegations and make reforms. 

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Sarhan Basem is Brussels Morning's Senior Correspondent to the European Parliament. With a Bachelor's degree in English Literature, Sarhan brings a unique blend of linguistic finesse and analytical prowess to his reporting. Specializing in foreign affairs, human rights, civil liberties, and security issues, he delves deep into the intricacies of global politics to provide insightful commentary and in-depth coverage. Beyond the world of journalism, Sarhan is an avid traveler, exploring new cultures and cuisines, and enjoys unwinding with a good book or indulging in outdoor adventures whenever possible.