Public Transport Fares Increase in September to Maintain Sustainable Services in Brussels

Sarhan Basem
credit: vrt

Brussels: (Brussels Morning) – Starting September 1st single trip fares will increase by 10 cents to €2.20 day tickets by 50 cents to €8.00 and airport route tickets by €3.20 to €49.20, to cover operational costs.

Starting September 1st some changes are happening to public transport fares. The cost of a single trip will go up by 10 cents from €2.10 to €2.20. Day tickets will also increase by 50 cents going from €7.50 to €8.00. For Airport2City service the fare will rise by 50 cents to €7.50 per trip. If people buy ten-journey tickets for airport routes the price will go up to €49.20 which is €3.20 more than before. These adjustments are being made to cover operational expenses and maintain good service on the transportation system. These fare updates are all about keeping public transport running well and making sure it’s affordable for passengers. The new prices are set to cover the costs of running the services while still offering reasonable fares for travelers. It’s all about finding that balance between keeping it affordable and making sure the transport system stays sustainable.It has been said that it starting in September passengers should be prepared for these changes and plan their travels accordingly.

Will the Discounted Rates for Certain Groups Remain Unchanged Despite Public Transport Fare Increases?

Starting September 1st the taxi bus fare will go up by 10 cents to 1.80 euros per ride. For school groups under 18 years old the day ticket price will increase by 1 euro to 16 euros. These adjustments are made to cover costs and keep the services running smoothly for passengers. Starting September 1st the monthly subscription will cost 52 euros instead of 49 euros and the annual subscription will be 520 euros instead of 499 euros. These price changes are to help improve services and maintain the transportation network. Authorities want to make sure the quality stays high and meets the needs of travelers while keeping the system financially stable.

The special discounted rates for people who get higher allowances and for young people and seniors which are currently 12 euros will stay the same. These rates won’t change with inflation or economic factors. This rule makes sure that people who get discounts like those with higher allowances or young people and seniors with reduced subscriptions for 12 euros can still enjoy the same low prices. By not changing these rates based on inflation the authorities want to keep public transport affordable and accessible for these groups helping them move around without worrying about costs going up due to economic changes. This way everyone can still afford to use public transport fairly even when prices are adjusted for others.

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Sarhan Basem is Brussels Morning's Senior Correspondent to the European Parliament. With a Bachelor's degree in English Literature, Sarhan brings a unique blend of linguistic finesse and analytical prowess to his reporting. Specializing in foreign affairs, human rights, civil liberties, and security issues, he delves deep into the intricacies of global politics to provide insightful commentary and in-depth coverage. Beyond the world of journalism, Sarhan is an avid traveler, exploring new cultures and cuisines, and enjoys unwinding with a good book or indulging in outdoor adventures whenever possible.
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