Origin Behind The Name: Why Are They Called Wisdom Teeth?

Sarhan Basem

Brussels (Brussels Morning Newspaper) – If you have ever experienced pain from wisdom teeth, then you are wondering how they earned that name. Why do humans develop wisdom teeth and why they must get them removed? If you have wisdom teeth, then your oral surgeon will suggest you get them removed. In this guide, we will explain everything you always wanted to know about wisdom teeth and how they got their name.

What Are Wisdom Teeth?

Wisdom teeth are third molars that appear in a set. They grow during adolescence or early adulthood. This set of teeth is considered vestigial and is not necessary for the proper functioning of the human body. Some people develop them. Most people develop one or two wisdom teeth but some individuals also develop four of them.

More often than not, wisdom teeth create issues and they require to be removed. There are several common issues associated with wisdom teeth. These include infection, impaction, tooth crowding, and pain. Many wisdom teeth are problematic and they grow frequently.

 Wisdom teeth removal has become a routine procedure for many people around the world. It is also one of the most common oral surgeries that are performed. There are more than 10 million wisdom teeth that get their teeth extracted in the United States every year.

Why Do We Have Wisdom Teeth?

Wisdom teeth are not suitable for comfortable living. There were not invaluable for ancient human ancestors. Many people today wonder why they even exist. Their development is a holdover and the major reason behind their growth is that humans had to chew harder foods. Chewing raw meat and tough roots result in getting wisdom teeth. Back then, humans had stronger teeth, and they were prone to losing them, too.

This is why the need for third molars was necessary. improved dental care and a healthy diet have evolved the quality of teeth. The foods have become easier to eat and wisdom teeth are no longer a necessity. Additionally, the mouths of ancient humans were also larger as compared to modern people. Therefore, they always had space for their third molars. With the advancement in technology, most people avoid keeping wisdom teeth.

Why Are They Called Wisdom Teeth?

There is nothing wonderful about painful third molars. Wisdom teeth earned their name title because they appear between ages 17 and 21. They can appear during a time when wisdom is gained. They appear between adulthood commonly between the ages of 18 to 29. At this age, people tend to get older and “wiser”. This is when they get their wisdom teeth.

In Spanish, these teeth are also known as las muelas del juicio. They are also called the “teeth of judgment.” Whether you call them wisdom teeth, third molars, or judgment teeth. The truth is that they need to be extracted if they appear because they can spoil the appearance of the teeth. These sets of teeth can also cause a lot of health problems.

Why Do Wisdom Teeth Cause Problems? 

Wisdom teeth issues can cause a lot of problems for you. Wisdom teeth come in a crooked shape and can damage the appearance of your teeth. They can also erupt only partially and this can lead to crowding of the rest of the teeth. These teeth also have painful side effects and can call for orthodontic treatment later on. The teeth erupt partially and even sideways. They don’t emerge from beneath the gum at all, and it becomes easier for the food particles and bacteria to gather underneath the gum flap. It is best to take care of your gums as this can prevent any gum problems. 

 That leads to infection and can also cause classic wisdom tooth pain. This requires you to go straight to the dentist’s office as you will have no other choice. If you are experiencing serious tooth pain, then there could be an underlying issue behind it. The appearance of wisdom teeth might also make your smile unattractive. They have several side effects and can spoil your general oral health as well. The crowding of teeth can also make it hard to chew food easily.

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Is Wisdom Tooth Removal Always “Wise”?

Not everyone has to get their wisdom teeth removed. Many people believe that the emergence of wisdom teeth requires them to visit the dentist instantly. However, this is not true. Some people can retain their third molars for a lifetime.

 Many people also don’t experience any ill effects because of them. Some people who get them removed do that cause of the purely precautionary measure. In such cases, the patients must weigh the risks of surgery. The risk of surgery is however minimal. If you handle the risk of keeping wisdom teeth, then this could lead to significant problems down the road.

Wisdom tooth removal is necessary if the teeth are already causing problems. If you get treated by a well-qualified professional, then they will suggest you remove them in the future. After you consult with a well-experienced oral surgeon, you will be able to make a well-informed decision. The doctor will suggest whether you should undergo the extraction procedure or not.

 If you have noticed wisdom teeth, then you should consult a general dentist. He may be able to provide you with an effective solution to get rid of the symptoms of wisdom teeth. In the meantime, your general dentist will also monitor the health of the wisdom teeth and will provide you with the best possible solution.

The wisdom teeth are a fascinating part and play an important role in the human oral anatomy. However, these sets of teeth are not always welcome. It is important to consult an oral surgeon who can help you decide whether it will be a wise move to remove your wisdom teeth or not. If your dentist suggests you keep them in your mouth, then you should take preventive measures to live with them safely. He might suggest you say goodbye to them forever.

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Sarhan Basem is Brussels Morning's Senior Correspondent to the European Parliament. With a Bachelor's degree in English Literature, Sarhan brings a unique blend of linguistic finesse and analytical prowess to his reporting. Specializing in foreign affairs, human rights, civil liberties, and security issues, he delves deep into the intricacies of global politics to provide insightful commentary and in-depth coverage. Beyond the world of journalism, Sarhan is an avid traveler, exploring new cultures and cuisines, and enjoys unwinding with a good book or indulging in outdoor adventures whenever possible.