Mysterious return of Chiro Statue puzzles Genk community

Lailuma Sadid
Credit: Chiro Bret-Gelieren

Genk (The Brussels Morning Newspaper): The missing Chiro statue was found near its original spot, hidden in the forest. Alino Remacle, leader of the girls’ group is happy it’s back, but the theft remains a mystery.

On 26th August around 3 a.m. the missing Chiro statue was found close to where it originally stood. Alino Remacle, the leader of the girls’ group said that the statue had reappeared a few meters away from its original spot partly hidden in the forest. This discovery happened after a detailed search of the area had previously found nothing. The statue showing up in a place that was already searched. Even though the area was checked soon after the statue went missing it wasn’t found then. The sudden return of the statue added a mystery to why it disappeared and how it came back.

What mystery surrounds the return of the Cherished Chiro statue?

Alino Remacle shared their happiness about the statue being back, saying it means a lot to them. “We are really glad the statue has been found,” Alino said. “It has been part of our tradition for a long time and was made by the old management, so it is very special to us.” The statue’s history and its link to the group’s past make its return especially important. While the group is happy to have the statue back they are still unsure about who took it. Alino thinks the theft might have been a prank. They had asked for help on social media and it was shared a lot. They believe this attention might have scared the people who took the statue from coming forward or being found out.

Alino Remacle mentioned that the group had thought for a moment that another youth movement might have taken the statue. “We briefly considered another youth group,” Alino said. “It’s common for youth groups to try to take each other’s flags as part of a tradition.” This competitive practice is known among youth groups where stealing flags can be part of how they interact. However, the group wasn’t sure if this tradition would apply to something like a statue. Alino said, “We don’t know if they would also take a statue.” They recognized that taking a flag is a common practice, but stealing a statue seemed less usual and added to the mystery of its disappearance.

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Lailuma Sadid is a former diplomat in the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan Embassy to the kingdom of Belgium, in charge of NATO. She attended the NATO Training courses and speakers for the events at NATO H-Q in Brussels, and also in Nederland, Germany, Estonia, and Azerbaijan. Sadid has is a former Political Reporter for Pajhwok News Agency, covering the London, Conference in 2006 and Lisbon summit in 2010.
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