Brussels (The Brussels Morning Newspaper) – Morocco states that in no way concerned with ECJ ruling on the agricultural, fisheries agreement.
The Kingdom of Morocco regards itself in no way concerned by the European Union Court of Justice’s ruling on the agricultural and fisheries arrangements, says the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation and Moroccan Expatriates, emphasising that the Kingdom was not concerned in any phase of the proceedings.
How does morocco view its role in ECJ proceedings?
“Morocco is not a party to this case, which involves the European Union on the one hand, and the Algeria-backed ‘Polisario’ on the other. Morocco did not take part in any of the procedural phases and, consequently, does not consider itself in any way concerned by the decision,”
comments the Ministry in a press release.
“the content of this decision contains obvious legal errors and suspicious errors of fact,”
the same source continues, adding that
“this denotes, at best, a total ignorance of the case’s realities, if not blatant political bias.”
What steps is Morocco urging the EU to take now?
The Ministry further argues that
“the Court has even allowed itself to take the place of the competent UN bodies, refusing their well-established positions and approaches. Moreover, the British High Court had, on a completely similar case, offered more discernment, impartiality and legal mastery.”
According to the press release,
“Morocco insists that the Council, the European Commission and the EU Member States take the necessary steps to respect their international commitments, preserve the accomplishments of the partnership and provide the Kingdom with the legal certainty to which it is legitimately entitled, as a member of the EU on several strategic issues.”
Moreover, it said,
“Morocco reiterates its constant position not to subscribe to any arrangement or legal instrument that does not respect its territorial integrity and national unity.”