Major Drug Bust Uncovers Schaerbeek Operation

Lailuma Sadid
Credit: Belga / Hatim Kaghat

Brussels (The Brussels Morning Newspaper): In June 2024, Brussels police arrested a Schaerbeek driver with 140 kg of marijuana. Another car with three suspects was chased and caught. Subsequent searches revealed €100,000 in luxury goods and €140,000 from bank accounts.

In June 2024, federal road police noticed two rental cars closely following each other on the E19 highway towards Antwerp. They stopped the first car and found 140 kilograms of marijuana inside. The driver, who lived in Schaerbeek, was arrested, and the cops caught another vehicle with three people from Schaerbeek. They tried to run but got caught after a chase. The police already knew them.

What Did Police Discover During Recent Searches?

The cops found some suspicious stuff while looking at the suspects’ homes, like cash, phones, watches, and luxury items. The cops found two people they thought were moving money from drug sales. They did more searches on 16 September. The police took expensive stuff like leather goods, phones, jewelry, and watches worth around €100,000. They also took €140,000 from different bank accounts.

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Lailuma Sadid is a former diplomat in the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan Embassy to the kingdom of Belgium, in charge of NATO. She attended the NATO Training courses and speakers for the events at NATO H-Q in Brussels, and also in Nederland, Germany, Estonia, and Azerbaijan. Sadid has is a former Political Reporter for Pajhwok News Agency, covering the London, Conference in 2006 and Lisbon summit in 2010.
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