How Long Can You Keep Your Teeth With Periodontal Disease? (Symptoms Of Periodontal Disease) 

Sarhan Basem

Brussels (Brussels Morning Newspaper) Almost half of the adults in the United States are suffering from some form of gum disease. One of the major gum diseases is periodontal disease. Some individuals have inflamed gums, and some suffer from damaged tissues. The tooth-supporting bone can also lead to further damage to your teeth. If periodontal disease is left untreated for too long, then it can result in tooth loss.

Maintaining dental health is highly important as this will help you to prevent your teeth from all sorts of gum problems. You can also ward off other conditions like diabetes and prevent heart disease. Preventing periodontal disease will help you to protect your teeth and gums all your life.

What Are The Symptoms Of Periodontal Disease? 

One of the major signs of healthy gums is that they are pink and firm. It is a great idea to brush and floss the teeth properly as this will prevent you from all types of gum diseases. Brushing and flossing your teeth should not make them bleed in any way.

 If you don’t take care of your teeth properly then it may end up creating further problems for your teeth. Without proper brushing, plaque-related bacteria will remain on the teeth. This can irritate the gums and inflame them. Periodontal disease starts in the gums and can affect all the supportive tissues and bones.

Periodontal can occur from bacteria build-up but it is the earliest stage of periodontal disease. This can cause symptoms like bad breath, gum redness, and swelling. You can also get a painful chewing experience if you get this disease.

 The tooth sensitivity and gum recession will make your teeth appear longer. This disease also makes the gum bleed easily. Patients often reverse the phases of gingivitis with the help of daily brushing. It is best to use proper mouthwash, and get regular dental cleanings to prevent yourself.

Gingivitis is a non-destructive form of periodontal disease, and it can lead to severe problems if it is kept untreated. You must get a professional cleaning as this will help you to remove infections from the gums. If the tartar builds up under the gum line, it can lead the gums to be separated from the teeth. The disease can also move to the underlying bone and can damage your teeth.

Condition Of Teeth with Periodontitis

Periodontitis is an advanced stage of periodontal disease. It happens when gingivitis goes untreated and the infection in your teeth sets in. This disease can cause tooth loss and can also result in painful chewing. People suffering from periodontitis can cause bleeding gums and several other health problems. Periodontitis can break down the gums and can cause damage to the connective tissues. It can also harm the bones that are supporting the teeth.

When compared to the signs of gingivitis the symptoms of periodontitis can be more severe. Indications of this disease include the shifting or loosening of teeth. There are often changes in how teeth come together after biting. The pus between the teeth and gums leads to bleeding, and changes in the denture fit.

How Long Can Teeth Last with Periodontal Disease?

Periodontal can start small and might be unnoticeable at first. It can manifest as gum inflammation and can cause other uncomfortable symptoms. Stress is a major factor that can lead to periodontal disease. Taking a lot of stress can suppress the immune system and the patient might experience widening pockets between the gums.

 There is also a destruction of the bone underneath but every patient is different and varies. Loss of teeth is only one symptom of periodontal disease. There is also a strong connection between periodontitis and other health conditions.

What Are Risk Factors Leading Towards Periodontal Disease?

Stress is one of the most important risk factors that can lead to this disease. Physical stress like teeth grinding or emotional stress can affect the body’s immune defenses.

Smoking or Chewing Tabacco is also a major risk factor. If you have Poor Oral Hygiene or malnutrition, then this can also develop the risk of periodontal disease. Pregnant women and people undergoing Cancer Therapy can cause periodontal disease.

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What Are The Options for Reversing Periodontal Disease?

Patients with milder cases of gingivitis can reverse periodontal disease. Taking care of your teeth with oral hygiene can help to prevent periodontal disease. Some patients that have advanced periodontitis must get help from a professional dentist who has all the knowledge and experience to shrink gum pockets.

Surgical pocket reduction or getting a flap surgery will help to remove the tartar from the gaps. The surgeon will have left the gums and will clean them thoroughly. This procedure will reduce and eliminate the pockets and will prevent future infections. When there are insufficient amounts of the gums then the dental surgeon will perform a gum graft and will regenerate the missing tissue.

Surgery will not repair advanced periodontitis cases. This is when tooth loss usually occurs. In such cases, the patients can choose to go for dental implants. They can restore their smiles and perform everyday functions like talking and eating without any worries.

 Implants will look natural and they can also last a lifetime if you take proper care of them. You must get regular dental checkups as well to keep your implants in the best condition.

In addition to surgery, the doctor will also provide you with a prescription medication that will provide relief. If you want to treat advanced periodontitis, then a dentist will deliver antibiotic or antimicrobial medicine. This will target the bacteria and will also lead to slowing the progression of periodontal disease.

Although many individuals want to learn how to reverse gum disease, the best treatment is always prevention. It is important to maintain a consistent routine and do daily flossing to prevent the disease. 

It is also best to do twice-daily brushing and use an electric toothbrush. This will lead to preventing periodontal disease and tooth loss. Individuals can also incorporate regular rinsing with the help of an effective antiseptic mouthwash. Eating a healthy diet and going to a professional dentist to get regular dental check-ups will help you to prevent the disease.

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Sarhan Basem is Brussels Morning's Senior Correspondent to the European Parliament. With a Bachelor's degree in English Literature, Sarhan brings a unique blend of linguistic finesse and analytical prowess to his reporting. Specializing in foreign affairs, human rights, civil liberties, and security issues, he delves deep into the intricacies of global politics to provide insightful commentary and in-depth coverage. Beyond the world of journalism, Sarhan is an avid traveler, exploring new cultures and cuisines, and enjoys unwinding with a good book or indulging in outdoor adventures whenever possible.