Hasselt control rooms: Promoting movement at work

Lailuma Sadid
Credit: VRT NWS

Hasselt (The Brussels Morning Newspaper): Employees on 12-hour shifts in control rooms face health risks due to sedentary work, prompting the introduction of treadmills and ergonomic tools to encourage movement and improve well-being.

Bart Motmans, a prevention advisor, points out that employees working 12-hour shifts in control rooms face significant challenges. They must stay focused on their screens for long periods and are always on call, limiting their ability to move or switch tasks. It has been said that this leads to a very sedentary work environment, which can result in health issues like musculoskeletal problems and heart risks. To tackle these concerns, Motmans stresses the need for a more dynamic work environment that encourages movement and helps improve overall well-being.

Can treadmills in control rooms enhance employee health?

It has been said that these treadmills let employees walk and exercise while they work, helping them stay active during their shifts. This plan aims to reduce the problems caused by sitting too long, improve their physical health, and make their work experience more interesting. By adding these treadmills, the company wants to make sure employees get enough exercise while working, which will help their health and productivity.

To make the workplace healthier and more active, they added several tools to help workers change how they sit or stand and avoid problems from sitting too long. Sit-stand desks allow employees to switch between sitting and standing, which helps with blood flow and makes them feel better. They also have kangaroo balls and swopper chairs that promote good posture and engage core muscles. Other tools like balance boards and desk bikes provide more ways to move. The balance board makes standing a little wobbly, which helps strengthen leg muscles, while the desk bike lets people pedal gently while working. By using these ergonomic tools, the workplace aims to make long shifts more comfortable and support everyone’s health.

Bert Piron, the department head, said, “We got the treadmill because employees wanted to move while working. It’s become really popular and  used a lot, so now we’re thinking about bringing it to other departments in the building.”

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Lailuma Sadid is a former diplomat in the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan Embassy to the kingdom of Belgium, in charge of NATO. She attended the NATO Training courses and speakers for the events at NATO H-Q in Brussels, and also in Nederland, Germany, Estonia, and Azerbaijan. Sadid has is a former Political Reporter for Pajhwok News Agency, covering the London, Conference in 2006 and Lisbon summit in 2010.
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