Genk Hooligans Face Serious Charges After Derby Riot

Sarhan Basem

Genk (Brussels Morning) – KRC Genk fans including the leader of Sangue Blu face serious charges for violent riots including a bomb thrower accused of intentionally harming an officer with possible prison sentences.

The situation was intense on March 13, 2022 during the Limburg derby between KRC Genk and STV. The federal police and lots of local police from Limburg rushed to Genk to try and calm things down. It wasn’t just about the match. There was tension from an earlier clash between the fans of both teams. A year ago Genk’s hardcore fans known as Drughi felt disrespected when ST supporters took their banner. Drughi got disbanded and Sangue Blu was formed. The members who were in different WhatsApp groups planned a revenge for the stolen flag just before the derby.

What are the charges against the 18 KRC Genk hooligans after the STW riots?

18 hardcore members of KRC Genk are facing serious charges in court after some intense riots against STW. The leaders among them are looking at the possibility of getting up to 10 years in prison.

Those hardcore members were all geared up for a real showdown. They had a whole plan going on even reaching out to hardcore groups from Germany and the Netherlands for backup. They were all dressed in black ready for action and had some dangerous stuff like Molotov cocktails and fireworks.

Those hooligans really went all out throwing everything they had at the officers in the neighborhood. when a 26-year-old guy tossed a cobra bomb among the officers causing serious injuries. The officer who got hurt ended up with permanent hearing damage and disability needing hearing aids.

What Are the Consequences for Genk Hardcore Members Involved in the Riots?

The prosecutor believes they were part of a group with the aim of attacking people especially pointing fingers at the leader of Sangue Blu as the main guy behind it all. The leader might get three years in prison suspended for half and an eight-year stadium ban. The guy who threw the bomb could face two years in prison a fine and a five-year stadium ban. The other sixteen suspects could get sentences between eight to eighteen months fines and bans from the stadium. The prosecutor didn’t see any connection between this violence and actual supporting.

Lenard Hellings defended the Genk leader and the bomb thrower saying they weren’t involved in planning the attack. The Genk guy claimed he didn’t know about the Molotov cocktails and expressed regret for what happened to the inspector. It’s a tough situation with different sides to it.

The Maasmechelen bomb thrower is being accused of intentionally hurting the officer by throwing the cobra bomb. Hellings wants a different charge saying there was no intention to harm. He’s asking for community service as punishment. Hellings also suggests the officer shares some blame for not wearing protective gear. The prosecutor was saying it’s wrong to blame the officer for doing his job.

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Sarhan Basem is Brussels Morning's Senior Correspondent to the European Parliament. With a Bachelor's degree in English Literature, Sarhan brings a unique blend of linguistic finesse and analytical prowess to his reporting. Specializing in foreign affairs, human rights, civil liberties, and security issues, he delves deep into the intricacies of global politics to provide insightful commentary and in-depth coverage. Beyond the world of journalism, Sarhan is an avid traveler, exploring new cultures and cuisines, and enjoys unwinding with a good book or indulging in outdoor adventures whenever possible.
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