Furkan’s Catering in Genk: Passion fuels new breakfast and brunch business

Sarhan Basem
Credit: Fred Breuls

Genk (The Brussels Morning Newspaper): Furkan Altinmutlu is opening a new catering business focused on breakfast and brunch fulfilling his lifelong passion for cooking. Streetwise an entrepreneurial support organization helps Furkan and other local businesses succeed through comprehensive guidance and resources.

Furkan Altinmutlu is in his kitchen busily preparing a variety of snacks on a lovely plate. The delicious smell of freshly baked pastries and savory treats wafts through the air, showing off his cooking talents that he’s been perfecting since he was young. He carefully arranges each snack with care because he loves cooking especially for his friends and family. On 18 July Furkan opening his new catering business that focuses on breakfast and brunch. This event is the result of many years of hard work, passion and love for cooking. As he puts the final touches Furkan takes a moment to think back on his journey. He used to work in cars but 6 years ago he decided to chase his dream. And now that dream has become a reality making him emotional and proud. He said that his new catering business is not just a business. it’s his dream come true.

How is Streetwise helping entrepreneurs in Genk’s commercial areas succeed?

Leonie Kuepers from Streetwise helps entrepreneurs by being their main guide in starting or growing their business. They start by talking to the entrepreneur to know their vision, goals and what they need. They help with making plans like business plans and researching the market. They also support in getting money, dealing with laws and rules, and setting up things like how to manage supplies and technology. Streetwise also helps entrepreneurs with marketing and selling by making strong brands and marketing plans, and preparing for sales to grow. They give advice on growing the business by suggesting partnerships and ways to expand in the market. Streetwise stays with entrepreneurs from start to finish, making sure they have all the help and resources they need to do well, being a big support system for business growth and development.

Genk city asked Streetwise to help entrepreneurs in the commercial areas who want to start or grow their businesses. Leonie Kuepers from Streetwise said they provide tailored solutions like business plans and funding options. Entrepreneurs can get help for all the steps leading to opening a business. Streetwise works mainly in Dutch Limburg, where they have guided 550 companies so far. Kuepers proudly mentioned that their way of working is unique in Europe, being there for all the steps an entrepreneur takes. Over 90% of businesses that work with Streetwise continue to thrive, as per the organization.

 The Genk city council wants Streetwise to help other businesses in specific areas like shops and restaurants in certain streets. They aim to reduce empty shops in these commercial areas. The Economy service will work with Streetwise to find good businesses to fill these spaces.

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Sarhan Basem is Brussels Morning's Senior Correspondent to the European Parliament. With a Bachelor's degree in English Literature, Sarhan brings a unique blend of linguistic finesse and analytical prowess to his reporting. Specializing in foreign affairs, human rights, civil liberties, and security issues, he delves deep into the intricacies of global politics to provide insightful commentary and in-depth coverage. Beyond the world of journalism, Sarhan is an avid traveler, exploring new cultures and cuisines, and enjoys unwinding with a good book or indulging in outdoor adventures whenever possible.
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