First Aid: What To Do If Someone Is Having A Heart Attack?

Sarhan Basem

Brussels (Brussels Morning Newspaper) According to the experts at U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), many people have a heart attacks in the country. Unfortunately, every year about 805,000 people get a heart attack. If the condition is severe it leads to death. You will be surprised to know that 1 out of 5 heart attacks are silent. During a heart attack blood flow to the heart, and muscles will decrease.

The person may not be aware of what is happening while they are suffering due to an attack. People must do something if someone else is having a heart attack. With the right treatment and first aid, you can save someone’s life. You need to have some insightful tips on how to save someone.

Common Symptoms Of A Heart Attack

Heart attack symptoms and warning signs are quite severe in some cases. While in a silent heart attack the person may not get an idea about what is happening. One of the most common symptoms is shortness of breath. You may get a feeling of doom or a heartburn-like situation. The symptoms of a heart attack among men and women may differ. Females are likely to have nausea or pain in the heart muscles. Some other common signs of a heart attack include:

  • Anxiety
  • Chest pain pressure
  • Pain in the neck, jaw, and back
  • Palpitations of heart rise
  • Feeling dizzy or falling down
  • Nausea
  • Discomfort in the stomach
  • Shortness of breath
  • A lot of sweating for no apparent reason

How To Help Someone Who Is Having a Heart Attack?

If you notice someone around you having a heart attack it is time to take action. You don’t need to panic in case of an emergency and try to help the patient. If you treat someone within 2-4 four hours the chances of survival are higher. Staying calm is the key to success. You can certainly help a neighbor, friend, or loved one in this case. It is necessary to get help as fast as possible to prevent heart damage. Here is what you can do:

1. Call the Emergency Help Line 911

 A heart attack needs an emergency medical service as blood flow towards the heart stops. Usually, there is a blockage in the coronary artery that leads to this attack. You can immediately call 911 and get instant medical help. It is one of the safest and fastest treatment options for many. The emergency medical team will arrive quickly and give first aid to the patient. You have to wait for the ambulance to arrive. They will take the patient directly to the hospital after giving the initial treatment.

2. Reduce The Heart Damage

If you know that you have a heart problem, it will be easy to purchase medicines for chest pain. These medicines are often prescribed by the doctor to heart patients. You don’t need to take this if you are allergic to aspirin. Most doctors prescribe chest pain medications, like nitroglycerin. In case you have a threat of heart attack you can use nitroglycerin to ease the chest pain. Many healthcare facilities recommend patients chew 325 milligrams of aspirin to patients.

It will instantly minimize heart damage. Moreover, it can prevent blood clots from occurring. Patients who have a history of heart problems can use these medications. If you don’t have any history of a heart issue it is best not to take such medicines. It will only deteriorate the health condition.

3. Try To Stay Calm

If you want to help a patient with a heart attack, make sure you stay calm. You cannot embarrass the patient it can lead to bad results. When there is an emergency case holding your patient is the key to success. The first thing is to loosen the clothes of the patients. Secondly, if you suspect a heart attack don’t eat or drink anything other than medications. If you or someone else is having a heart attack it is better to avoid anything like this.

4. Start CPR When Required

  If there is a patient who is having a heart attack it is necessary to give CPR. It is required to give proper first aid to the patient or they may lead to death. When the person is unconscious or unresponsive you need to be even more careful. Try to call 911 and check the pulse of the patient when the patient is unconscious. If there is no pulse it is best to start CPR. If it is a child or an infant always try one-minute CPR before 911 arrives.

5. Chew or Swallow Aspirin

If you chew or swallow aspirin at the right time it can save your life. You don’t need to wait for emergency help to arrive and start with the self-treatment. When you are already suffering from a heart problem the doctor will prescribe chest pain medications. During cardiac arrest, aspirin will keep you away from blood clotting. When you take the medicine at the time of a heart attack it can reduce damage and minimize the severity. You cannot take aspirin if you have an allergy or don’t have any prior health condition.

6. Take Nitroglycerin

Being a heart patient if you are prescribed nitroglycerin try to consume it. If your doctor has previously prescribed you this medicine it is safe for use. Take it as per directions of use without waiting for the emergency service to arrive. 

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Why is it Necessary to Help a Person Having a Heart Attack?

A heart attack is a medical emergency. If you have the slightest suspicion that someone is having a heart attack take action immediately. One of the most important steps is to call 911. They have a professional team that gives first aid along with other treatment solutions. Moreover, this team can take the patient to the hospital without wasting a minute.

Don’t ask your healthcare provider to take you to the hospital. It will only waste time and effort. Time is precious when it comes to giving the right treatment. You cannot hope that the symptoms will go away themselves. Instead, they can worse each second and you will be left with guilt only. There is no penalty if all turns out to be a false alarm. Whether it is you, your neighbor, or loved one, help them at the right time.

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Sarhan Basem is Brussels Morning's Senior Correspondent to the European Parliament. With a Bachelor's degree in English Literature, Sarhan brings a unique blend of linguistic finesse and analytical prowess to his reporting. Specializing in foreign affairs, human rights, civil liberties, and security issues, he delves deep into the intricacies of global politics to provide insightful commentary and in-depth coverage. Beyond the world of journalism, Sarhan is an avid traveler, exploring new cultures and cuisines, and enjoys unwinding with a good book or indulging in outdoor adventures whenever possible.
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