Fiber optic construction chaos: Oosterlaan street residents demand quick fixes in Sint-Niklaas

Lailuma Sadid

Sint-Niklaas(The Brussels Morning Newspaper): The fiber optic construction on Oosterlaan street in Sint-Niklaas has caused frequent power cuts and internet outages, damaging essential services and disrupting daily life for residents who want the issues resolved quickly.

In Sint-Niklaas on Oosterlaan street the construction for a new fiber optic network has been causing a lot of problems. People living there have been experiencing a lot of power cuts that last for hours. This is because the construction work has damaged the power lines and sewer systems. People living nearby are really upset about the construction mess. They know the fiber optic network is important but they want the damage fixed quickly. The construction not only causes power problems but also worries about other essential services like sewage. They want things fixed fast to make life easier and ensure everything works properly again.

How are Oosterlaan residents in Sint-Niklaas coping with frequent power cuts and internet outages caused by fiber optic construction?

Many residents have bought extra headlamps for light when the power goes out. Some have even got mobile battery packs to charge important devices and stay connected during these outages. The people in the neighborhood are really feeling the effects of the construction work and are trying their best to deal with the problems it’s causing. Even though they’re doing things like getting extra lights and battery packs, they still want the damaged power lines and sewers fixed quickly to make things normal again and prevent more issues.

The power cuts on Oosterlaan street in Sint-Niklaas have happened 16 times and lasted for hours causing big problems for the people living there. Students are having a hard time because they need computers and the internet to study especially during exams. These outages are making it tough for them to study and finish their work adding stress during important times in their studies. The construction work has caused big problems with the internet too. Some people had no internet for a whole month because a cable got damaged during construction. This long time without internet has made people even more frustrated and unsure. With both power cuts and bad internet it’s clear that quick repairs are needed to fix things and make life easier for everyone in the neighborhood.

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Lailuma Sadid is a former diplomat in the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan Embassy to the kingdom of Belgium, in charge of NATO. She attended the NATO Training courses and speakers for the events at NATO H-Q in Brussels, and also in Nederland, Germany, Estonia, and Azerbaijan. Sadid has is a former Political Reporter for Pajhwok News Agency, covering the London, Conference in 2006 and Lisbon summit in 2010.
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