European Tree Frog Thrives in Belgium Amid Climate Challenges 

Lailuma Sadid
Credit: Belga

Brussels (The Brussels Morning Newspaper): The European tree frog population in Belgium has significantly increased due to warm weather but climate change still poses long-term threats like rain changes and new diseases

 It has been reported that the European tree frog is doing much better in Belgium after almost disappearing. The warm weather helped them but the nature group reported that climate change is still dangerous for them.They found 11,144 boy tree frogs more than the 97 in 2006. Most of them about 70% were in Limburg. Hotter weather is helping frogs move to new places.It has been said that they liked cooler areas but now they can live in warmer spots. Environmentlist said that this is a big deal because frogs can now survive in places they couldn’t before. Hot weather makes frogs have more babies and find more food.

How Does Climate Change Affect Frog Populations and Habitats?

The warmth helps frogs have babies quicker and more often. It brings more bugs and food for the frogs to eat helping them survive and have more babies. This mix of warm weather and more food is the reason of frog population is growing. Hot weather helps frogs move to new places and make homes there. This helps them because they can live in better conditions with more warmth for having babies and more food to eat. These frogs are showing they can adapt to changes in the weather which lets them find new places to live.

 Hot weather can help frogs move to new places and live there happily. Rain changes might make it tough for frogs to have babies in good spots. New diseases could harm the frogs because of the changing weather. Hot weather helps frogs move and live happily. Rain changes and new diseases could hurt them. Nice changes in the land help frogs live better. Connecting frog homes and removing unwanted animals make frogs happier and their homes healthier.

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Lailuma Sadid is a former diplomat in the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan Embassy to the kingdom of Belgium, in charge of NATO. She attended the NATO Training courses and speakers for the events at NATO H-Q in Brussels, and also in Nederland, Germany, Estonia, and Azerbaijan. Sadid has is a former Political Reporter for Pajhwok News Agency, covering the London, Conference in 2006 and Lisbon summit in 2010.
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