European Socialist warn of risks in new EU Commission formation

Andrea Calvello

Brussels (The Brussels Morning Newspaper) – PES and S&D leaders warn that the next EU Commission must honour the Spitzenkandidat process, gender balance, and social rights focus.

The leaders of the Party of the European Socialists (PES) and the Socialists and Democrats Group (S&D) in the EU Parliament caution that it will be very challenging, even incomprehensible, to sustain the EU commissioners presented by Ursula von der Leyen, if the Spitzenkandidat process is not contained. They emphasised the need to ensure gender balance, a substantial focus on social rights headed by a figure with the experience to deliver, and the fair allocation of Executive Vice-President positions echoing the majority in the European Parliament.

What role does the Spitzenkandidat process play in EU Commission appointments?

As reported by media reports, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen stands willing to propose an EU Commission without socialist Spitzenkandidat Nicolas Schmit. This would undermine a precedent that has been held since this process was presented in 2014, where common candidates take up a leading position at the EU level in consideration of the democratic mandate they assured at the European election as the representative of their political family.

How are PES and S&D leaders addressing the potential deviations in the Commission?

Iratxe García, President of the S&D Group, expressed concerns about the potential loss of progressive support if the Spitzenkandidat process were ignored, gender balance in the College undermined, an employment commissioner with a questionable commitment to social rights appointed, and the ECR included at the core of the Commission. 

She noted that before the election, it was stated that the composition of the next Parliament would determine the Commission. García emphasized that a pro-European majority with a pro-European agreement exists and must now be implemented.

Stefan Löfven, President of PES, warned that the reported composition of the next European Commission could deviate from the agreement with President von der Leyen. He stressed that Europe’s socialist family is now compelled to issue a clear warning regarding the upcoming Commission mandate. 

Löfven emphasized that their support has never been unconditional and that the next Commission must meet their expectations in both policy and principle. He called on the Commission President to ensure that the College adheres fully to the political guidelines they have supported.

How important is it for the next EU Commission to reflect key European values?

Furthermore, socialists are worried the next EU Commission will not adequately reflect key European values and progressive preferences. Gender balance within the Commission College is anticipated to take a backwards stage; the employment portfolio should be under the competence of a nominee from the progressive family who is fully dedicated to the La Hulpe Declaration; and an EU Commissioner belonging to the far-right EU Conservatives and Reformists could be offered an Executive Vice-President position.

The socialists remained the biggest progressive force in the latest European Parliament elections. As the second largest section by a considerable margin socialists are paramount to a pro-European majority alongside President von der Leyen’s European Peoples Party, liberals Renew Europe and the European Greens.

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Andrea Calvello is a Journalist at Brussels Morning News. He is covering European Politics, European Parliament, European Council, European Commission and Europe News. He is a highly accomplished journalist and digital specialist with a wealth of experience in the media industry. He holds a Master's degree in Business Administration with a focus on marketing and digital transformation, as well as an Executive Master in Human Resources Management, Development, and Administration. Additionally, he has completed a specialization course in advertising communication, marketing, and Made in Italy communication and digital technologies. Calvello is also a member of the National Order of Journalists and has had a successful career as a TV journalist, bringing his expertise in marketing and digital communication to the world of television broadcasting. His diverse skill set and passion for innovation have set him apart as a dynamic and influential figure in the field of media and communications.
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