EU Refutes disinformation claims regarding meetings with Azerbaijani parties

Giuseppe de vita
Credit: euneighbourseast

Baku (The Brussels Morning Newspaper) – The EU Delegation to Azerbaijan denies allegations of political arrangements, condemns disinformation, and reaffirms its commitment to Azerbaijan’s sovereignty, partnership, and non-interference in elections.

What allegations did the EU Delegation to Azerbaijan recently refute?

The EU Delegation to Azerbaijan published a statement denying allegations regarding arrangements between EU representatives and Azerbaijan political parties and criticising disinformation against the European Union.

“The European Union Delegation to Azerbaijan refutes the allegations made recently by some websites regarding meetings between EU representatives and Azerbaijan political parties,” the statement declared. “These allegations are completely wrong regarding the format and content of those meetings and do not correspond to reality.” 

“We deplore and vigorously condemn such disinformation attacks against the European Union, the High Representative of the EU for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, the EU Ambassador to Azerbaijan and the EU Delegation to Azerbaijan.”

How does the EU view its partnership with Azerbaijan in light of recent accusations?

The statement contended the EU backs Azerbaijan’s sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity. The EU has been and persists to be an important and close partner of Azerbaijan, including its most significant trade partner and a strategic partner in the field of energy. The EU is committed to operating with the COP29 Azerbaijani Presidency towards a prosperous and inclusive COP29.

The EU operates jointly with Azerbaijan for the usefulness of its people, including as concerns the protection of human rights and maintains connections with all segments of Azerbaijani society, including political groups and civil society. Furthermore, the EU does not interfere in any elections in any country.

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Giuseppe De Vita is a journalist at Brussels Morning News, He is covering European politics, Law and Technology news. Lawyer at De Vita & Partners Law Firm specializing in Criminal Law, Military and Space Law, and Cyber Security. In April 2023, he authored the monograph "Governance in Extraterrestrial Space", showcasing his extensive legal expertise. He has acquired vast experience in handling criminal and civil matters, managing litigation before various levels of jurisdiction across the national territory. In 2010, he obtained a Master's degree in Information Technology Law. Additionally, in the same year, he served as a teacher in criminal-IT subjects at the Penitentiary Police School of Portici, providing courses aimed at officials and managers of the Penitentiary Police and the Penitentiary Administration, focusing on IT security. He also serves as a Workplace Safety teacher, conducting training courses at various organizations and educational institutions. Moreover, he is a lecturer on Anti-Corruption and Transparency. The law firm, under his guidance, assists both private and corporate clients in court, accumulating significant experience in criminal and civil disputes over the years. Furthermore, it conducts Risk Management and Compliance, Cyber Resilience, and Cyber Security activities, with a specific focus on privacy protection (EU Regulation 2016/679 - GDPR). Giuseppe frequently publishes articles in legal journals, analyzing various regulatory issues. He has contributed articles to the legal journal Altalex, of which he is also a member of the Scientific Committee.
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