Empowering youth: 2GO launches driving buddy program in Lokeren

Sarhan Basem
Credit: Ivan Elegeert

Lokeren (The Brussels morning newspaper): Vzw 2GO has launched a new branch in Lokeren to support young people aged 16-26 in obtaining their driver’s licenses. The buddy system pairs them with experienced volunteers who provide guidance and encouragement especially for those facing financial or social challenges.

Vzw 2GO an organization already active in Antwerp, Mechelen and Leuven, has recently started a branch in Lokeren. Its main goal is to create a buddy system that helps young people obtain their driver’s license. This initiative understands that getting a license can be difficult for many especially those lacking resources or support. The buddy system pairs young individuals with volunteers who guide them through the process providing practical help encouragement and advice for both the theoretical and practical parts of driving.

What role does community play in 2GO’s driving buddy program?

Bert De Meyer a representative of 2GO highlighted how important community involvement is for this initiative. He said that the organization is encouraging volunteers to help guide and mentor young people. The aim is to create a support network that not only helps individuals get their driver’s license but also builds a sense of community and shared responsibility. With the new branch in Lokeren 2GO wants to expand its support system helping more young people gain the independence and opportunities that come with having a driver’s license.

Vzw 2GO’s program in Lokeren helps young people aged 16 to 26 who are facing difficulties get their driver’s license which is crucial for finding a job. The program pairs these young individuals with buddies who provide practical advice, emotional support and help with learning to drive. The target group includes those dealing with financial issues or lacking social support making it tough for them to achieve this goal alone. The buddies play a key role in the program’s success they need to be committed, experienced drivers, understanding and familiar with the local area. By building a supportive relationship buddies help young people overcome the challenges of getting their driver’s license. The main aim is to empower these individuals improving their chances of finding work and building a better future.

Buddies in the program need to meet certain requirements like having a driver’s license for at least 8 years and not having it expired in the last 3 years. They also have to take a training course on helping underprivileged young people and commit to 3 hours a week for 5 months to provide enough practice. Recently 12 potential buddies showed up at an information session and the organization plans to train 8 of them. There are more young people needing help than there are volunteers but the goal is to have 15 young people get their driver’s licenses by next year. 2GO is working with local projects like Dégage and Biciklo, which offer bicycles to help young people take their first step towards finding a job.

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Sarhan Basem is Brussels Morning's Senior Correspondent to the European Parliament. With a Bachelor's degree in English Literature, Sarhan brings a unique blend of linguistic finesse and analytical prowess to his reporting. Specializing in foreign affairs, human rights, civil liberties, and security issues, he delves deep into the intricacies of global politics to provide insightful commentary and in-depth coverage. Beyond the world of journalism, Sarhan is an avid traveler, exploring new cultures and cuisines, and enjoys unwinding with a good book or indulging in outdoor adventures whenever possible.
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