Droomgaard primary school opens in Halle’s breedhout

Lailuma Sadid
Credit: Ingrid Depraetere

Halle (The Brussels Morning Newspaper): Nine students started at Droomgaard, a new primary school in Breedhout, transitioning from nursery. The school aims for gradual growth to 100 students, fostering a close-knit community.

Today on 1st September was the first day for nine students at the new primary school, Droomgaard, in Breedhout. Even though the school is new, the students are moving up from the nursery class that was already on the same site. It has been said that this transition is meant to help create a connected learning environment as the pupils move from early education to primary school. Over the next six years, Droomgaard will grow slowly as these first students move up through each grade. The plan is to eventually have up to 100 students by the end of this time. This gradual growth will help the school offer a complete educational experience while reaching its full size.

Why did Anja Devos start Droomgaard primary school in Halle’s Breedhout?

Anja Devos, who is both a teacher and the director of the new primary school Droomgaard in Breedhout, explained why she started the school. She saw that schools in Halle were getting crowded and realized there was a need for a new educational facility. So, the decision was made to grow from the current nursery class on the same site into a primary school. Devos highlighted that Droomgaard will keep a small size, focusing on building strong connections and a family-like feeling. This approach is meant to make sure each student gets personal attention and feels like they truly belong in the school community.

The first-year students at Droomgaard are using the parish rooms in Breedhout, which were used before by the toddlers from the nursery class. This temporary setup lets the school start its activities while the permanent buildings are being built. In the spring, work will begin on a new building made just for Droomgaard. This building will have enough space for the increasing number of students and will meet the needs of the primary school. Building this new facility is an important step in making the school’s goal of providing a complete and well-designed learning environment a reality.

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Lailuma Sadid is a former diplomat in the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan Embassy to the kingdom of Belgium, in charge of NATO. She attended the NATO Training courses and speakers for the events at NATO H-Q in Brussels, and also in Nederland, Germany, Estonia, and Azerbaijan. Sadid has is a former Political Reporter for Pajhwok News Agency, covering the London, Conference in 2006 and Lisbon summit in 2010.
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