Can You Use Orajel After Wisdom Teeth Removal? Say No To Orajel


Wisdom teeth removal is a common dental procedure that can leave you with some discomfort afterwards. It’s crucial to follow proper aftercare guidelines to ensure a smooth healing process. One question that often arises is whether it’s advisable to use Orajel, a popular oral analgesic, after wisdom teeth extraction. In this article, we’ll explore the reasons behind the caution and provide insights into effective post-extraction care. So, let’s discuss the answer to the query: Can you use Orajel after wisdom teeth removal?

Understanding Orajel And Its Components

Orajel is a professional oral, topical anesthetic commonly used to alleviate dental pain, containing 20% benzocaine as its primary numbing agent. Interestingly, this is the same ingredient employed by dentists in their numbing gels during various dental procedures. While Orajel can offer relief for tooth socket pain post-extraction, it’s essential to consider the broader implications of its use in the healing process.

Can You Use Orajel After Wisdom Teeth Removal?

While it’s not explicitly forbidden to use Orajel after wisdom teeth removal, it’s not a standard part of post-extraction care. The dental community generally advises against it, and here’s why.

The Myth of Using Orajel on Stitches

If stitches are placed over the extraction socket, using Orajel is still not recommended. The pain associated with tooth removal is typically due to the absence of a tooth in the jawbone, not the stitches themselves. Applying Orajel to the stitches won’t provide relief from the underlying discomfort.

Potential Side Effects of Using Orajel After Extraction

Using Orajel after tooth removal can lead to unintended consequences. One significant concern is the potential disturbance of the blood clot, which is crucial for proper healing. In the immediate aftermath of the extraction, achieving hemostasis, or stopping the bleeding, is a priority. This involves biting down on gauze for several hours. Any interference with this process, including the application of Orajel, can disrupt the formation of the blood clot, potentially leading to delayed healing.

Why Blood Clot Disturbance Matters

Disturbing the blood clot may not be life-threatening, but it can prolong the healing time of the tooth extraction socket. Biting on gauze is a vital step in ensuring the stability of the blood clot, and introducing Orajel may disrupt this crucial process. Attempting to apply Orajel might seem practical, but in reality, it’s neither necessary nor beneficial, especially when considering the presence of blood and saliva in the mouth immediately after extraction.

The Importance of Letting the Socket Heal Naturally

The tooth socket has the remarkable ability to heal on its own, and interfering with this natural process can be counterproductive. Constantly manipulating the socket or introducing foreign substances, like Orajel, can hinder the body’s healing mechanisms. By keeping the extraction hole clean, the healing process is optimized.

Maintaining Cleanliness for Optimal Healing

The cleanliness principle is crucial for prompt healing. Dentists recommend rinsing with salt water after each meal to prevent food particles from getting stuck in the extraction site. Keeping the tooth extraction hole impeccably clean allows it to close up faster. Conversely, neglecting cleanliness can lead to delayed healing and potential complications.

Conclusion: Can You Use Orajel After Wisdom Teeth Removal?

In conclusion, while Orajel contains ingredients that can alleviate tooth socket pain, using it after wisdom teeth removal is not advisable due to the potential for unintended side effects. Following the recommended post-extraction care guidelines, including proper gauze biting and maintaining cleanliness, will contribute to a faster and smoother healing process. Remember, allowing the tooth socket to heal naturally is key, and unnecessary interventions may only impede the body’s innate ability to recover.

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