Can Wisdom Teeth Grow Back After Removal? Exploring Wisdom Teeth, Hyperdontia & More

Sarhan Basem

Wisdom teeth do not grow back after they have been removed by a professional dentist. For someone who has typical four wisdom teeth grow wisdom teeth. These extra teeth can erupt after the original wisdom teeth are extracted. These teeth are called supernumerary teeth.

According to a study, there are more than 7,300 people, that have a chance of having supernumerary teeth. These teeth can appear anywhere in the mouth and are not a surprise. The wisdom teeth show up on the standard dental X-rays.

Keep reading the post below to know more about wisdom teeth and do they grow back or not.

What Are Wisdom Teeth?

Most people who don’t have healthy teeth can develop four wisdom teeth anywhere in the mouth. They grow at the end of each row of teeth. The wisdom teeth grow at the upper and lower, right and left corners of the teeth. They grow at the very back of the mouth. The wisdom teeth are the third and last molars that erupt through the gums.

Wisdom teeth start to erupt when people reach their late teens and early 20s. There are times when they stay in place and sometimes they partially emerge. These teeth grow in crooked form too. Either way, wisdom teeth can be painful and result in crowding with other teeth.

Why Do People Have Wisdom Teeth?

Wisdom teeth can cause problems and they need to be removed often. According to researchers, wisdom teeth date back to our distant ancestors. People who have more teeth and larger jaws grow wisdom teeth to accommodate them. As years passed the jaws have gotten smaller, and they don’t have any space for extra teeth.

Why do Wisdom Teeth Need To Be Removed? 

The dentists suggest you get your wisdom teeth removed due to various reasons. People who have wisdom teeth have to face serious problems. They can feel pain in the gums and teeth which can lead to a lot of inconveniences. Wisdom teeth can also cause a lot of infections and can lead to serious dental problems. Various types of cysts also develop in the mouth which can be a concern. 

The threat of potential damage to the neighboring teeth can also be the major reason for the removal of wisdom teeth. Tooth decay and gum disease are the major reason why you must get your wisdom teeth removed. Your dentist might suggest you get a removal as a part of a simple orthodontic procedure. 

The teeth structure might get damaged and out of shape and wisdom teeth removal becomes essential for aligning your teeth. This is done often with braces. Dentists also recommend removing impacted wisdom teeth that don’t cause symptoms because they want to prevent future problems. Wisdom teeth growing at an odd angle beneath the gum surface also need removal because it can destroy the teeth’ structure badly.

Should You Worry About Wisdom Teeth?

Your dentist will monitor your wisdom teeth, and tell you to keep an eye on some things. The growth of Wisdom teeth in the wrong position can be worrisome. If a wisdom tooth is not located in the right position, it can trap the food that you consume. It can also welcome an environment for cavity-causing bacteria to grow. The wisdom teeth that don’t come in properly look like crooked teeth. This can prevent flossing and effective cleaning of the teeth. The cleaning between the second molar and the wisdom tooth is done properly and it often needs a removal.

Wisdom teeth that are erupted partially allow bacteria to enter the gums. This can create places for infection and the gums can also get infected which could lead to swollen teeth. Sometimes an impacted wisdom tooth also results in a dangerous development of a cyst. This can affect the roots of nearby teeth and can damage the jawbone.

Can Wisdom Teeth Grow Back After They Have Been Removed? 

People with wisdom teeth often wonder if these teeth will grow back after they get them removed. The good news is that wisdom teeth do not grow back after you get them removed by a professional dentist. It is possible, however, for people who typically have four wisdom teeth. These extra teeth can erupt after your original wisdom teeth have been removed. These are called supernumerary teeth.

More than 7,300 people, who have wisdom teeth have about a 2% chance of having supernumerary teeth. These teeth can appear anywhere in the mouth and are not a surprise. They can show up on the standard dental X-rays.

If your wisdom teeth have been removed through surgery they will not grow back. If you are one of those people who have more than the typical four wisdom teeth, then these extra teeth may come back after getting removed. Extra teeth appear anywhere in your mouth but they are not necessarily wisdom teeth.

What Is The Similarity Between Wisdom Teeth And Hyperdontia? 

Hyperdontia is a condition that causes too many teeth to grow in your mouth. These extra teeth which are called the supernumerary teeth grow in the curved areas where teeth are attached to the jaw. The 20 teeth that you have as a child are known as primary teeth. The 32 adult teeth that replace the primary teeth are called permanent teeth. People can have extra primary or permanent teeth with hyperdontia, but having extra primary teeth is more common.

What Are The Symptoms Of Hyperdontia? 

One of the most common symptoms of hyperdontia is the extra teeth that grow close to your usual primary or permanent teeth. These types of teeth appear mostly in adults. They are more common in men than they are in women.

Do You Need Treatment For Hyperdontia?  

Many people with hyperdontia don’t need to get any treatment. While some need to have all of their extra teeth removed as this can lead to other problems. It is important to tell your doctor about any symptoms. If you feel pain, discomfort, swelling, or weakness then this may be a sign of hyperdontia.

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Sarhan Basem is Brussels Morning's Senior Correspondent to the European Parliament. With a Bachelor's degree in English Literature, Sarhan brings a unique blend of linguistic finesse and analytical prowess to his reporting. Specializing in foreign affairs, human rights, civil liberties, and security issues, he delves deep into the intricacies of global politics to provide insightful commentary and in-depth coverage. Beyond the world of journalism, Sarhan is an avid traveler, exploring new cultures and cuisines, and enjoys unwinding with a good book or indulging in outdoor adventures whenever possible.