Campaign to restore Eurostar services in South East of England gathers pace

Martin Banks
Credit: Pascal Rossignol: REUTERS

Belgium (Brussels Morning Newspaper) – A major campaign has been launched to restore Eurostar services in the south east of England to Belgium and the rest of mainland Europe.

The recent election of a new government at Westminster has prompted leading figures in Kent to urge the UK Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer and his cabinet to step up pressure on Eurostar to restore stopping services to Kent.

Those behind the move hope to garner sufficient support to persuade Eurostar to restore services back to the south east of England. The move would benefit passengers from Belgium who want to stop in Kent for business or leisure purposes.

A petition set up by local residents and has attracted nearly 60,000 names and pressure is also being applied by local business and political leaders in what is called “the Garden of England.”

All are concerned at what they see as the lack of international rail services stopping in Kent which they say has badly hit the local economy and also acts as a disincentive for UK visitors to mainland Europe,including Brussels and Paris, and vice versa.

The campaigners also believe there should be more competition to Eurostar in operating services to and from Europe.

Following the closure of Ashford and Ebbsfleet stations in Kent for the Eurostar in March 2020, the company has said it would remain closed throughout 2024 and 2025.

The group behind The Bring Back Eurotrains petition said: “It’s great to see the number of people who have got behind this petition, which is a clear indication of the demand from people across the South East for international train services from Kent’s two existing international stations.

“The Bring Back Eurotrains group is regularly contacted by residents in Kent and beyond who have been affected by the loss of this service and are concerned about the impact this is having on the region’s economy.

“We hope that we can help provide a collective voice for the residents and show any international rail service provider the substantial opportunities of running services that link the regional hub stations of Ashford and Ebbsfleet to Calais, Lille, Paris, Brussels, Amsterdam and beyond.”

Locate in Kent, which provides free, confidential support to employers setting up, expanding and relocating to the county, is supporting key partners including Ashford Borough Council, Kent County Council and Kent Invicta Chamber of Commerce in pressing the case for urgent action to restore services lost since 2020.

To date tens of thousands people have signed a petition to bring back services that had given people in Kent access to Eurostar trains linking Paris and Brussels with London St Pancras International from Ashford International and Ebbsfleet International stations.

Business leaders have shared their views on the impact the loss of this international link has had to the Kent economy over the past five years, calling for action to resolve the issue with Eurostar restoring services or steps taken to open up the Channel Tunnel Rail Link to other operators.

Tudor Price, CEO of Kent Invicta Chamber of Commerce, told this website,“The businesses in Kent have become increasingly frustrated and annoyed at the lack of engagement from Eurostar on the matter of recommencing services from Ashford. Many local and international businesses invested significantly on the back of this provision and several million pounds of tax payer money has been spent on platform improvements to accommodate the service.”

He added, “This lack of communication infers that Eurostar has no intention of resuming services despite past promises. If an amicable compromise can’t be reached, then clearly the monopoly Eurostar hold isn’t working for the economy and changes need to be made to introduce competition.

“With a new Government in post and several new Labour MPs elected locally with Eurostar passing through their constituencies, an opportunity to achieve a fair deal for Kent is more likely than ever.”

Price went on, “We understand the commercial considerations for Eurostar but there is a wider economic gain to be had here with little or no detriment to their profitability.”

Further comment comes from Nick Fenton, CEO, Locate in Kent, who also told this website: “In 1994, following billions of pounds of investment, the Channel Tunnel was officially opened putting Kent on the map as the UK’s key gateway to Europe, and sparking an unparalleled period of regeneration and economic growth.

“While we still have the Channel ports and Le Shuttle services from Folkestone, the loss of Kent’s international services continues to be felt economically, both locally and across the southeast region. One of our key strengths as a business location simply disappeared overnight.

“It’s not acceptable for London alone to be reaping all the rewards and prestige of the UK’s only cross channel link with Europe. For Kent and the wider South-East region to compete and continue to attract more high-skilled, well-paid jobs, we need those trains back.

“With the new government’s focus on restoring economic growth: it’s vital that ministers put on the pressure to bring services back to Ebbsfleet and Ashford, whether that’s Eurostar or another operator. With clarity on the new EU entry and exit system, due for launch this October and an appetite for improved relations with our largest trading partner there is no longer any excuse.”

“Our job at Locate in Kent is to promote the county as a place to do business and having direct connections with Europe is a vital part of that. We continue to support our partners across the region in lobbying to bring those international services back as soon as possible.”

Also commenting on the move, Dev Biswal who runs a successful restaurant in Canterbury, told this website, “The closure of the Ebbsfleet and Ashford International stations have been body blows to local business – not just those trading with the EU – but the entire county, with money being sucked out of local economies.”

Biswal, chef and owner of The Cook’s Tale, added, “Overseas tourist numbers visiting Canterbury have not recovered since the Covid lockdowns and this year’s numbers are the worst we’ve known, for whatever reason, since opening here 10 years ago.

“Those travelling from Europe to London are unlikely then to travel back down to Kent.

“It’s bad for Kent tourism as a whole, which is a great shame because there’s so much to see and do here.”

His comments are broadly echoed by the leader of Ashford Borough Council, Cllr Noel Ovenden who said, “There was a public outcry when Eurostar made their initial announcement and the local strength of feeling is clearly reflected by recent meetings and the petition that has been launched, which we welcome.

“The prospect that Eurostar is not likely to return anytime soon represents a real challenge for those residents and businesses that rely on the service and those that work locally.

“Ashford is an important economic driver for not only Kent and the East Kent region, but also an important international access point to Europe.

“Significant investment has been made over the last 25 years in infrastructure at Ashford International Station to ensure international services are able to operate to support business and leisure travel to Europe.”

KCC’s Cabinet Member for Highways and Transport, Neil Baker said: “I want to thank every single one of the more than 500 businesses that have responded to our survey, calling for views on how the halting of international rail services calling in Kent has impacted their firms

A spokesperson for Eurostar said: “Our Kent stations will remain closed throughout 2024/2025. We will provide an update should anything change regarding this. We understand this is disappointing for the local communities, and we will continue to work closely and openly with the local councils on the future of the stations.”

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Martin Banks is an experienced British-born journalist who has been covering the EU beat (and much else besides) in Brussels since 2001. Previously, he had worked for many years in regional journalism in the UK and freelanced for national titles. He has a keen interest in foreign affairs and has closely followed the workings of the European Parliament and MEPs in particular for some years.
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