Brussels Police crack down on crime Near Hallepoort

Sarhan Basem
credit: brusselstimes

Brussels (Brussels Morning) – The Brussels Capital Ixelles and Brussels-South police zones have been conducting a joint security operation at the Hallepoort and its surroundings since 1 April 2024. The operation aims to put an end to crime and nuisance that is causing a great sense of insecurity among residents of the district.

Who participated in the collaborative police operation in Brussels?

To execute the police operations, 11 inspectors from the local investigation department of PolBru were called for three months. They were reinforced by 4 inspectors from the South zone, members of the intervention services of both zones, the management of the railway police of the federal police and, if necessary, the Anti-Robbery Brigade of PolBru. The operation was carried out in collaboration with the Brussels public prosecutor’s office and the municipalities concerned 

What prompted the joint security operation near Hallepoort?

This action was launched in response to incidents in and around Hallepoort Park: drug use and sales, fights, thefts from vehicles, walkers in the park who were harassed by homeless people, litter, etc. 

How has local leadership responded to security concerns?

“The collaboration between our municipalities and police zones in the fight against crime and drug trafficking is bearing fruit. We are persevering and continue to see concrete results on the ground thanks to our police officers, who do a flawless job,” reiterates Philippe Close, Mayor of the City of Brussels.

Jean Spinette, mayor of Saint-Gilles: “These operations by our two police zones in the vicinity of the Hallepoort were initiated following a joint decision with Philippe Close and are a real added value in the repression of street dealing. Our police zones continue to think about the best ways to combat this phenomenon as efficiently as possible. The Summer Plan of the South police zone has been in force for a few days now and this allows for an increased police presence in the neighbourhood.”

What were the results of the security operation so far?

In total, the police seized 93,375 euros, 1.535 kg of hard drugs, 1.200 kg of soft drugs, seven handguns and one weapon of war during this action at the Hallepoort and the surrounding area. Between 1 April 2024 and mid-June 2024, 131 people were placed at the disposal of the Brussels public prosecutor’s office.

There are 29 investigations underway at the Brussels public prosecutor’s office and 17 judicial investigations are underway at various Brussels investigating judges. The latter has decided to place 36 suspects under arrest warrants for, among other things, defamation/resistance, unlawful confinement, threats, attempted manslaughter and attempted murder, theft with violence, money laundering and possession and sale of narcotics.

How effective has the crackdown on drug trafficking been?

A total of 14 minors were also arrested. 5 of them were placed at the disposal of a juvenile judge. 22 people were summoned via the fast-track procedure and will soon have to appear before the criminal court. 

In addition, 16 convictions were pronounced by the Brussels Criminal Court. In these cases, the perpetrators were sentenced to autonomous probation sentences and prison sentences ranging from 14 months to 3 years. There will also be a verdict in 6 other judicial files by the end of the judicial year. These arrests, combined with the daily visible presence of the police, led to a significant decrease in drug sales and drug use, as well as in the nuisance that this entails. The actions in this perimeter continue

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Sarhan Basem is Brussels Morning's Senior Correspondent to the European Parliament. With a Bachelor's degree in English Literature, Sarhan brings a unique blend of linguistic finesse and analytical prowess to his reporting. Specializing in foreign affairs, human rights, civil liberties, and security issues, he delves deep into the intricacies of global politics to provide insightful commentary and in-depth coverage. Beyond the world of journalism, Sarhan is an avid traveler, exploring new cultures and cuisines, and enjoys unwinding with a good book or indulging in outdoor adventures whenever possible.
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