Bruges hosts the Spectacular Golden Tree Parade

Lailuma Sadid
Credit: Koen Theuns

Bruges (The Brussels Morning Newspaper): The Golden Tree Parade rehearsals at BMCC will occur soon with 1,600 participants focusing on choreography without costumes. This year’s event promises excitement featuring both seasoned and new performers, enhancing the vibrant atmosphere.

The dress rehearsals for the Golden Tree Parade will be held at the BMCC Congress Centre soon. Because of time limits the participants won’t be wearing their costumes during these rehearsals even though they were fitted earlier. It has been said that this choice helps everyone focus on getting the timing, choreography and coordination right without the extra challenges of wearing their full outfits. This year’s Golden Tree Parade is going to be really impressive with at least 1,600 extras joining in. Many of them are new which brings a lot of excitement to the event. It has been said that the large number of participants highlights how important the rehearsals are to make sure everyone is in sync and ready for the final performance. The mix of experienced participants and newcomers makes the parade even more exciting  promising a lively and colorful show when the event happens.

What can people expect from the Golden Tree Procession in Bruges?

Frank Pottie 64 is excited to finally see the Golden Tree Procession for the first time even though he lives in Bruges. He missed it before because it only happens every five years usually when he’s on leave. On 18th August Sunday he was the part of the Viking ship crew with ten members from the Royal Rowing Club of Bruges. Koen Van den Haute also participate for the first time noted that they were asked to help with the ship which isn’t related to modern rowing. Meanwhile Wouter Dequidt, 45 will be crowned Count Baudouin I of Flanders and is participating with his wife and friends seeing this event as a way to truly become part of Bruges after moving from Ypres in 2007.

The 14th Gouden Boomstoet is happening next Sunday at 14:30 at ‘t Zand in Bruges. There will be 1,600 extras 10 big floats and some smaller ones including new ones. Director Dominique Deckers said they worked hard to make the scenes better and more fun for the audience. This year there will also be 15 Brugse Zotten who will announce the groups in rhyme and interact with the people watching.

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Lailuma Sadid is a former diplomat in the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan Embassy to the kingdom of Belgium, in charge of NATO. She attended the NATO Training courses and speakers for the events at NATO H-Q in Brussels, and also in Nederland, Germany, Estonia, and Azerbaijan. Sadid has is a former Political Reporter for Pajhwok News Agency, covering the London, Conference in 2006 and Lisbon summit in 2010.
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