Beleuvenissen 2024 in Leuven: Exciting performances and upcoming events

Lailuma Sadid
Credit: VRT

Leuven (The Brussels Morning Newspaper): Gustaph opened Beleuvenissen 2024 with a performance at Grote Mark on July 26, 2024. Joost Klein’s show at Oude Markt turned into a lively party. Upcoming events feature performances by Camille, Bart Peters, Laura Tesoro, and The Subs .

Gustaph got the crowd going at Grote Markt before. He sang “Because of You” and everyone loved it.It has been said that people enjoy his strong voice and how he performs. Gustaph really kicked off the evening with his awesome vibe.Joost Klein was the big star on the third night of Beleuvenissen. He’s a famous Dutch singer who really knows how to get the crowd going with his lively shows. His fans were super hyped to see him and even camped out at the stage on Oude Markt since early Friday to be right at the front. They were so excited and dedicated to catch his performance up close. People were super excited all day waiting for Joost Klein. When he finally came on stage, everyone went wild with energy.

How Joost Klein’s energetic performance turned Oude Markt into a memorable party at Beleuvenissen 2024 in Leuven?

Even though Joost Klein’s fans got there early it was unsure if they could stay in the front row the whole time. The place was jam-packed with festival fans filling every inch. By 11 p.m. so many people had come that they had to stop letting more in because the square was full. People were excited but had to wait longer for Joost Klein to come on stage. He started 20 minutes late making everyone wait more. But when he finally started around midnight the crowd went wild. The delay didn’t stop the party vibes as Joost Klein got everyone pumped up with his performance.

It has been said that the vibe at Oude Markt was so lively and Joost Klein’s show turned into a huge party which made the coordinator Kris Peters really happy. Peters saw how Joost Klein got everyone hooked with his special kind of exciting and energetic performance. Joost played songs like “Luchtballon” and “Europapa” that got everyone hyped up. His music which falls under genres like hardcore, shtamp or gabber, really connected with the crowd. Peters said Joost mixing different music styles in his live show made the night awesome.He mentioned that the powerful beats and Joost’s energetic stage presence made Oude Markt the best place to be during his performance.

Next Friday on August 2 people can enjoy Camille and Bart Peeters’ shows with music and lively entertainment. On August 9, Laura Tesoro and The Subs will perform in the festival.

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Lailuma Sadid is a former diplomat in the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan Embassy to the kingdom of Belgium, in charge of NATO. She attended the NATO Training courses and speakers for the events at NATO H-Q in Brussels, and also in Nederland, Germany, Estonia, and Azerbaijan. Sadid has is a former Political Reporter for Pajhwok News Agency, covering the London, Conference in 2006 and Lisbon summit in 2010.
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