Antwerp prison abuse scandal: Staff  under investigation

Sarhan Basem
Credit: Belga

Antwerp (The Brussels Morning newspaper): In March 2024 a prisoner at Antwerp prison was hospitalized after severe abuse by cellmates. The incident unnoticed by staff for days led to the arrest of five inmates. Some prison staff are now being questioned as suspects in the ongoing investigation highlighting serious operational failures.

In March 2024 an investigation started after a prisoner at Antwerp prison was taken to the hospital in serious condition because his cellmates had badly hurt him. The abuse is said to have gone on for several days without the prison staff noticing. After the incident the five cellmates of the prisoner were arrested. Authorities have released two of the suspects while the investigation continues. This case has gained a lot of attention because the abuse was very serious and the prison staff did not notice it. The investigation is still happening to find out how bad the abuse was and who is responsible.

What are the implications of the Antwerp prison abuse investigation?

In the investigation about the abuse at Antwerp prison some staff and managers have been asked to come in for questioning. They are being treated as suspects instead of just witnesses which means the investigators think they might have been careless or done something wrong. The questioning of these staff and managers shows that investigators are looking closely at whether they did their jobs properly or helped the abuse happen. The investigation is checking if there were problems in how the prison was run that let the abuse go unnoticed. By treating staff and management as suspects it shows how serious this case is and that it could affect how the prison operates and is held responsible.

Robby De Kay the federal secretary of ACOD (the General Confederation of Liberal Trade Unions) talked about how serious it is to be questioned as a suspect in a criminal case. He said that if he got a letter saying he was a suspect for attempted murder he would be very shocked and upset. He compared his reaction to the surprise and stress someone might feel,saying he would “choke on [his] coffee” if that happened. It has been said that De Kay’s comments show how serious it is to be involved in a high-profile criminal case and how it can affect a person’s life and job.

Robby De Kaey from ACOD mentioned that it would be quite odd for people just doing their jobs to suddenly be questioned about something as serious as attempted murder and he joked that if he received such a letter, he might “choke on [his] coffee.” He felt relieved that there was another letter explaining that this type of questioning gives people more rights including the right to have a lawyer. The employees received their lawyer through their employer which De Kaey thinks indicates that the employer believes they did their job properly. He noted that while employees can request support the employer has the option to refuse but in this case they didn’t which he found reassuring. He stated he feels the employees have done their best under the circumstances and has no problem with the investigation as long as it is conducted correctly and people can get assistance.

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Sarhan Basem is Brussels Morning's Senior Correspondent to the European Parliament. With a Bachelor's degree in English Literature, Sarhan brings a unique blend of linguistic finesse and analytical prowess to his reporting. Specializing in foreign affairs, human rights, civil liberties, and security issues, he delves deep into the intricacies of global politics to provide insightful commentary and in-depth coverage. Beyond the world of journalism, Sarhan is an avid traveler, exploring new cultures and cuisines, and enjoys unwinding with a good book or indulging in outdoor adventures whenever possible.
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