Antwerp (Brussels Morning Newspaper) –Today in Antwerp, the cyclists who went to the Sint-Annatunnel spent a lot of time in lines and waiting for the elevator because the escalators were closed for a long repair.
It has become a concern for all pedestrians and cyclists, and they have been forced to wait several hours due to the planned eight weeks of maintenance work on the bridge. The representatives of Cyclist unions express their concern and are demanding changes, such as a regularly more frequent ferry service across the Scheldt River.
Cyclists in Antwerp lose time because of the escalator renovation in Sint-Annatunnel, where renewed calls for ferry improvements and faster repair have commenced. There is a lot of frustration, and many people have to depend on slow elevators for access. As commuters lined up at the elevator, one cyclist expressed his frustration:
“If Bart De Wever were standing here, steam would be coming out of his nostril.”
Another cyclist lamented,
“I’ll have to wait here for half an hour. I’ve already had to let two lifts pass.”
The situation has drawn concerns from many users of the tunnel, with one woman stating,
“This is starting to make commuting very difficult for me.”
In response, the Cyclists’ Union mobilised the protest, complete with a band playing what can be described as waiting for music right at the entrance of the tunnel. They have requested that the frequency of the escalator repairs be doubled so as not to make it remain down for long, and they’re demanding that the ferry service be more frequent than, for instance, 30 minutes.
The Roads and Traffic Agency have, however, stressed that the work now going on is refurbishment work that is necessary to help keep the roads safe and functional. Instead, they say that the Kennedy Cyclists’ Tunnel is one of the options available during this period. Nevertheless, we find that some cyclists have not shifted their perception, and they continue to complain and demand better communication solutions.
What are the ongoing challenges in Antwerp’s cycling infrastructure?
It is crucial to recognise the current state of the Sint-Annatunnel and other facets trying to define the cyclist’s infrastructure in Antwerp. The tunnel under question proved to be quite historic and contains the originally wooden escalators installed in the 1930s – while very picturesque and characterising the atmosphere of the place, such installation is nevertheless a good deal for maintenance. There have been issues concerning the ability and efficiency of these elevators; some passengers have been stranded in these elevators during blackouts.
The Cyclists’ Union’s call for improved ferry services reflects a broader demand among cyclists for more efficient transportation options across the Scheldt River. Some people use cities like Amsterdam and a host of others as some of the most perfect examples of cycling infrastructure that can handle large numbers of cyclists without much traffic congestion. The union demands to boost water services and improve coordination between bike paths and transportation services.
The city of Antwerp has pursued an active policy of promoting cycling in the last few years; however, every once in a while, incidents such as this one reveal challenges in planning for cycling infrastructure that still exists. Its cycling policy has been widely criticised for failing to fairly address cyclists’ requirements in relation to maintenance works and cycling infrastructure modification. When the cycling infrastructure in Antwerp expands even further, it will also be important for Antwerp’s city management to communicate with cycling advocates so that the needs of their communities can be adequately assessed and met.